"What are you thinking?"

"I wanna send a spy after Phoenix," she replied.

"I'll send one out on Friday."

"It can't wait till Friday, I have a plan and you may think it's risky but it's worth it"

"Fill me in."

"I want to set a meeting with and hear the favor. I need to do it you can't be in the room though."

"I need to hear the conversation," I told her calmly.

She continued to argue against it which made me more determined to hear. I wasn't afraid she couldn't handle herself. I was afraid she'd find something with him she couldn't find from me. Finally, she caved and agreed. I didn't want to agree at all but you have to compromise.

She offered to go in and grab us a table while I found a parking spot. I didn't want to let her go in alone but I had no choice it would take a while to find a spot. About 30 minutes have passed and I haven't found a single spot. I drove out to a curb to park along the sidewalk, I'm willing to face the outcome of a parking ticket.

 I got out of the car and sat on the bonnet to look at the stars. It was calming, I heard footsteps come near me so I sat up to see who it was. Star was standing about 10 feet away so I looked at her making no effort to get down. She opened her mouth to say something, thought about it, and proceeded to say it.

"You know Gio, I once had a dream about you bending me over and fucking me on your bonnet."

"Glad to see my pain brings you joy."

"I'm not joking I have that dream at least once a week."

"Well if you can find me a parking spot your dream will become a reality," I smirked while hopping off and walking towards her.

She met me halfway, I was thankful she wasn't acting oblivious to the moment.

"Lucky for me I got you a parking pass."
She walked even closer to close the gap between us, chest to chest, I stared into her eyes for a little bit before deciding there is no better time than the present. I leaned down to close the gap between our lips seeing as she was looking up at me as well.

The moment I let my guard down and let myself express my feelings she sidestepped me, and I tripped over the air. To say I was pissed was an understatement. Maybe I miss read the situation. I didn't want to force her into doing anything so I jokingly said.

"You're so annoying."

"I thought I felt rain." She shrugged with a slight smirk as she handed me the pass.

She turned her back to me and started walking away so I picked her up and threatened to throw her over my car. My grip on her wasn't tight so she easily got free and proceed to kick me in the balls. After I recovered I chased her around till we were soaking. 

We finally entered the restaurant and got seated. We had a male waiter and She started flirting with him as if the whole scene outside didn't happen.

"She'll have the chicken Alfredo, Make that two Alfredo's and Two pina colada's one with no alcohol." I interrupted.

"Yes sir." The waiter replied to me scared.

"You're no fun," she remarked.

"And you're a tease."After the food arrived we filled each other in on the changes in the club, mafia, and business status.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2022 ⏰

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