Guilia Gwinn (Syd) ~ unnoticed pt. 2

Start from the beginning

,,Hey...", I mumbled unsure how she would react. She didn't respond, just looked at me, probably waiting for me to continue. I sighed quietly as I searched for a reasonable excuse and looked at my hands, playing with my fingers. ,,I am sorry that I was so mean to you in the cabin. I just didn't had the best start in the day and the others knew and left me alone but you couldn't know and- that isn't making it any better. I'm sorry. I didn't have the right to be like this to you. Sorry." I said quietly and then looked up to see her smiling at me.

,,Don't worry, I understand.", she said gently and laid a hand on my shoulder. ,,Are we good now? I don't want anyone to hate me before we got to know each other.", she asked and I nodded quickly, laughing before looking back at my sister to see her smile and nod at me. Turning around again I smirked a little.

,,Soo, wanna show what you can?"

We messed around for the next full hour. Laughing until we laid on the ground holding our belly and getting to know each other. Sometime my sister came over to us, already changed in normal clothes and told me to get ready as well so we could go home and I could rest. And when I did so and sat beside Sydney in the car some minutes later I immediately drifted off to sleep. The next time I woke up was the next morning with a message from a certain english footballer asking if I want to do something.

End of Flashback

,,Avery, we're here." My eyes flutter open as I looked around. Everyone started to leave the bus so I quickly followed. And the moment I was out I was tackled into a tight hug.

,,Obi!", I screamed and wrapped my arms around her neck as she lifted me up from the ground and spinned us around. Before she finally let go of me and looked at my face with the biggest grin on her face.

,,God, it's been too long!", she laughed as we excitedly hold our hands.


,,Guess who talked Martina into putting us into a room?"

,,You did not!"

,,I did!"

,,You. Did. Not."

,,I did!"

,,Lena Oberdorf, you're a goddess!" she shot me a wink. ,,I have to tell you so much! Do you remember this dude I told you about? He literally messaged me the day after and said he actually didn't even want a signature. He just asked me for it so he could throw it away in front of my eyes.", I started as she listened to me interested.

,,The fawk. The people today.", she rolled her eyes and looked at me funnily. ,,Poor man was probably heartbroken because of you. You really-"

,,Guys! We have a plane to catch.", Martina yelled as we realized we were the only ones still outside of the germany bus. My cheeks turned deep red while Lena just laughed and dragged me into the bus and to seats in the back.

,,So how is Sweindis?" We continued our conversation and just catched up with each other since we didn't got to see each other very often. Lena played at Wolfsburg and you'd assume there is a rivality between the players, and don't get me wrong there is between some of them, but not for me. Lena was my best friend of all the time. Even if I didn't got to see her much. I met her years ago in the U15, then two years after she left them in the U20 and now with the seniors. She knew a lot about me. Not as much as Syd but a lot more than others. She took me under her wing and took care of me when Sydney couldn't and always protected me. And besides that, she just was the best friend you could gossip with or do the most idiotic things with. See, her and Georgia are my best friends, Laura and Klara are like sisters for me, Sydney is my sister, Guili, well you know what I think about her and a lot of the others, even from different clubs and teams, were somewhere between family and friends. With all of them I had a great support system and I couldn't be more thankful.

,,Okay. Now to the important stuff. How do you feel about a certain blonde sitting in the front and chatting with Lea right now?", Lena smirked at me and I knew immediately what she meant. Or who, actually.

,,What should I say?", I mumbled but she just scoffed.

,,Okay, do you like her?", she asked as I glared at her.

,,Of course I do I already told you that!"

,,So you would get together with her?" She raised an eyebrow at me and I shoved her arm.

,,The fawk Obi!"

,,What? I wanna know."

,,Yeah... probably. But she wouldn't! So forget about it.", I shifted in my seat and laid my head onto her shoulder.

,,Oh Volley..", she chuckled an patted me head. Soon after, I fell asleep again.


I decided to do a cut here. It's a little longer than the others I plan on doing longer ones don't worry. Just wanted to post again after I saw the few comments under the last parts. You can't imagine how motivating every single one is. So please feel free to comment or vote here as well, it's great to see if you guys like it. So there will be a next part of course. Same for 'knock out'. Let's see wich one is first. I also heard Lea? Any other wishes? I could also put them together like in this one where Syd is the sister and Guili the lover yk. Yeah, just comment. By the way under the picture will be some songs I listened to while writing so yaaa. Okay byee.

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