Secrets are the(were his) end

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  Secrets are made to be kept, only for secrets to ruin his life forever, the secrets that keep him up at night and stop him from getting help. He was so good at keeping secrets, that his lies became himself, his truth.

  Up until one slip up destroyed his walls and swarmed in through his cracks. Digging deeper and deeper 'till his cracks we're a part of him, and he was broken. To never be fixed. 

  Never healed. Never happy.

  The pain he felt, was not enough of a price to pay for his mistakes. He did so much, tried so hard, only for his heart to die by the hands of the ones he thought he could trust. The ones he thought he could love. And even though it was over, even after all those years he had been running, it didn't feel like enough. So he went back, back to the place where everything seemed to have fallen apart. When his walls were nothing more than dust on the ground, ready to disappear completely in a matter of moments.

  But no matter how long he waited, and no matter how many times he screamed and begged for forgiveness, he couldn't get away. No one would listen, nobody would see past what he did. He had ruined everyone around him.

  It would be easier to just remove himself entirely.  If he left, it would hurt less. Maybe this time, they'd be able to forgive him, or maybe this time, they wouldn't care. Either way, he deserved it. All of this, his life would always remind them. His failures, his darkness, the things he did that were unforgivable.

  He could leave, and never come back. They would probably be happier without him. Now, being there before the ones who had wronged him, he had never felt more powerless.
He just wanted them to get along. He just wanted them to be happy. He wanted everyone to be happy.
He wanted to be happy.
Never again, will he want that.
Because they will never understand.

  "I did this for you... So why have you hurt me in such a way....? "

  He could feel their hateful glares, from on the platform. Pain coursing through his damaged, broken heart. They smiled at his misfortune.

  And so, as the sword plunged itself into his chest, he smiled back.
  "Thank you.."

  It was barely spoken, yet somehow it was heard. But it was too late. With that, there was no chance at salvation. There was nothing left, but the empty, cold space within his body. As the last thing he saw was the light fading from his eyes, he thought about everyone he once knew. Everyone he loved, everyone he held close. Their betrayal hurt worse than anything he ever felt.
  And now.


A/N: Yeah this is gonna be a bit of a sad book, if I continue it. It's just for me to keep my ideas in one place to remember lol. I hope you enjoyed tho- Anyways, make sure you take care of yourself and have a great day/night!

469 words (not including the A/N and this

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