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Please Put Me Down

Somehow, in a lot of ways, Sebastian announcing his retirement affected a lot of people in so many ways that even himself was doubtful but he was happy and satisfied that he could leave an impact on the fans, the drivers, and the whole sport. However, he wanted to do this and once he did, there was no turning back on it. Even so, he will try to finish off the season with more memories with the other fellow drivers and donuts on the tracks.

He appreciates every driver's tribute and the memories they have shared along the years as the dad on the grid, a lot have looked up to him as one of the greatest even though Lewis is there but it was nice that he could leave a lot of impacts, even the smallest to anyone, maybe that is why was doubting over his retirement, but actually, he was more glad.

Sebastian was in the garage, analyzing whatever data he could have for now before the practice session until Britta called him from his room. "Seb!". He quickly got up to her, "Yeah? What's wrong? I thought the media is done hours ago", she patted his shoulder and smiled. "Don't worry about that, someone is here to see you". With a frown, he could hear another voice coming through.

"You decided to not guess or your brain doesn't work?".

The German gasped as he sees the familiar figure, "Kimi!", running towards the man, Kimi managed to drop his bag before the man pulled him tight, to the point he was lifted from the floor. He tried to pull away or even through the ground but Sebastian was really missing him, and the grip wasn't letting down anytime.

"Please put me down".

"Oh Sorry, You're here! Hi! Why are you? I mean, I'm glad to see you but –".

"Calm down, loud as ever". The two men then settled while Seb continued his study session, doing stretches, getting himself to his zone of racing, he may not chase for the title but he makes every race like it is his last. While Kimi help prepare his gear before the race; Gloves, and helmet, he even approached the team to make sure they have everything ready for his boyfriend. Gathering drinks for hydration, towels, anything.

Kimi knew he had retired but wanted to travel with Sebastian whenever possible. Retirement life was not always fun and quiet, but that's what Kimi always wanted, although the only thing that bores him to death was Sebastian not being around for a while, and with the summer break coming soon so it will be okay. Once the session had started, Kimi waved to Seb, and off he went. So far so good, Hungarian GP before Summer Break.

After the first two sessions were done, they'll come back tomorrow for practice 3 and the qualifying session soon. The two cuddled up by the hotel bed, Sebastian tried to fight off the sleep but Kimi ran his fingers through his hair was too nice.

"Just sleep Seby, I'm not going anywhere".

"MMhhmm", Finn smiled as he now have a sleeping German on him as he slowly closed his eyes.

Next Day

"You're going to be okay?" – Kimi.

"Yeap, thank you again for coming, I missed you when we were still in the garages, even if we were in different teams".

"Sebastian, it's okay, you have been to my rally races before, it's the future husband to do, I want to support you the same way you have supported me, we'll call of what, but I would like to try to come often". The Aston Martin driver felt himself flushed by those words, actions may speak louder than words but Kimi always kept his word.

"Wait, future husband!?". Kimi winked as he walked to the side of the garage by his car, Seb needed to focus right now as he put on his helmet and got into his car. Let the practice session begin.

Luckily Britta managed to have Kimi watch the race without any cameras around the two even though they do a known friendship but their relationship outside that was strictly private. It was going smoothly when Seb had locked up and Kimi could feel his heart stop at that moment, even as a veteran, these kinds of stuff they have considered a passion and they know what were the risks when it come to this. He could hear the engineers getting in contact with the German and he could hear Sebastian saying he was okay but for Kimi, he needed more than okay to know Sebastian's condition.

Everyone had waited for Seb as they tried to fix his car soon as possible, he tried to help as much but he knew he needed to check with Kimi. The finn was in the motorhome, already pacing as much when Sebastian came into view, Kimi stopped and walked to embrace the man. Even if he managed to bump himself and the car to the barriers but the impact was surely felt. "You Okay?".

"Yeah, I'm okay, I know I got you worried right there". – Seb.

"I know, I was just worried, got me remember things before that's all, but you're okay then I'm okay. Now go help fix your car". Seb sighed and nodded, but before he leave, he leaned and close the gap with Kimi's lips on his. Kimi felt butterflies as he held Seb's waist. He could tell they both needed this for reassurance.

"Good luck kiss?".


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