
"Shit...Is there anything else I have to know before Charlie's discharged?" Nick asked 

"...Let's go for a walk."

|The local park cause... I don't even know I'm writing this in my pitch black room at 22:46.|

"Charlie's had a lot of shit through his life. Our parents always supported him, but they used that against him in arguments by saying stuff like 'We supported you! You should be greatful' I mean, this was mostly our mum but our dad was just as bad for not doing anything about it," I remembered Charlie and I's life before he came out, I feel as though he was more lost than he is now, and like he finally understands himself.

"I knew Charlie had a shitty life when he was a teen but- He's had so much pressure on him for so long, he must feel crap. Pardon my language," Nick huffed, I nodded. Rey was holding my son, Finn's hand while Rey balanced on a tree trunk and was attempting to walk across it. Meanwhile, Micheal was up ahead making sure the twins didn't get lost.

"Lilly! Levi! Don't go too up ahead!" Micheal shouted towards them.

"Kids are a big part of your lives, aren't they?" Nick asked. This took me by surprise,

"Er, yeah. Yeah, I guess they are. Micheal didn't get along with his mum or dad so...He always wanted a big family to fill that hole, and I didn't get along with my mum so I wanted to be the mum she never was..." I took a deep breath, 

"It's funny really. I always pictured myself marring some girl and living happily ever after, but when I met Charlie. God, my mind changed instantly." We chuckled. 

"Yeah...Pretty sure Charlie was the same, bit upset when he was told you were straight. It would've been funny if he wasn't so heartbroken," 

"God yeah, my straightness kinda just gave up on me when I was 16."

We walked in silence for a while until Finn spoke up.

"Mum, do you remember when grandma went on a fizz when she found out you were having Lilith and Levi?" my ten year-old laughed. Finn was quite tall for his age and had black hair like me, he had one green eye and one blue eye quite pale skin and round glasses.

"Honey, you were 6 then. How do you remember that?" I asked.

"I don't even know," Finn then ran off and joined Micheal and the twins.

"I remember your wedding," Nick chuckled. "It was awkward because only Charlie, Micheal and I knew you were pregnant but you and Micheal's parents had no idea,"

I forced a laugh "Yeah, four months and first time. Must've been at least a bump," 

More silence

"Tori. There was something else, otherwise you wouldn't have suggested this walk." Nick didn't look at me, just ahead. "What is it."

I paused "Rey...Rey was your second child." Nick froze.

"What are you talking about-"

"Charlie was forced to get an abortion when he was 18. Our mum pushed him over the edge and made him, it wasn't his fault Nick."

Nick didn't reply.

"Nick?" I asked "Nick talk to me. Charlie was going to tell you, he wouldn't not tell you,"

"I know...I just can't believe I didn't read the signals." I tilted my head in confusion. "Charlie gave me loads of hints... He would always ask me if I wanted kids or if I wanted a family. I told him I wasn't ready...That's what must've made him crack."

I sighed. "It feels dark and rainy, but sometimes, it's gonna be like that..." I looked up and saw Micheal and my kids.

"But through the clouds shines the sun."


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