How do I tell him...?

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(I am officially scarred from that last chapter, I literally cried!! Anyway for more emotional damage follow me to get updates for oncoming chapters! By the way, if I write in italic it means they're writing it. Anyway back to the story!)

|Nick's pov (A couple weeks later)|

I walk into our flat after a long day of practice, It's dark already. Although I'm completely exhausted, I go to the kitchen to make myself some tea. While the kettle brews I decide to wander around the empty flat. I walk into Charlie and I's bedroom and trip over something.

"Ah, shit." I say stumbling over it, I pause for a second, turn the light on and pick the box up. It was my personal box, where I kept photos of Charlie that I took in secret, Nellie's old things and of course my diary. Well, I might as well. I have nothing else to be doing.


Dear Diary,

God I sound like a little high school girl, but no. In all seriousness these last 2 weeks have really sucked, Charlie and I went to Geoff's and Charlie had therapy every day of the first week. And on the first Sunday after therapy, Charlie had left to go to the car. Geoff and I started talking and him being a fucking therapist and he asked how I was feeling about this and next thing I knew I was having a full on lecture about how others mental health can affect ours too.

Geoff gave me his business card and told me to call him if I ever needed to talk. I guess that was good. Charlie stayed at Tori and Micheal's for a while just to cool off, since they had a little cabin in the woods. We missed each other but it was good for him, seeing Rey confused broke my heart. Charlie came back yesterday, but at the moment he's at therapy so he'll be back in a couple minutes. 

Hope nothing crappy happens now.

God I mean, I guess I feel better now. I shut the book hid it under the bed. I walked out to the kitchen and poured my tea and drank it, 

'For fucks sake where is he' My mind played over and over.

I picked my phone and dialled Charlie's number.

"Hewo?" Rey answered loudly. I winced and held the phone away from my ear.

"Hey sweetie, It's Dad. Can I speak to papa?" I asked

"No, papa said he driving." She replied in a sweet tone.

"Okay then, can you ask him when you'll be home," 

"Papa, what time- how long till home?" She asked from the phone.

"Uh, 'bout two minutes. Tell dad I love him," I chuckled as Charlie said this from outside the phone.

"Papa said 'bout two, I love you!" I heard Charlie laugh from the other end of the phone.

"I love you too."

3 minutes later they arrived home.

|Charlie's pov|

I've decided. Tonight I was going to tell Nick. God I'm terrified, but he couldn't react that badly...Could he? I sat on the sofa lost in thought shaking my leg uncontrollably. It was dark and raining, we had just put Rey to bed.

"Hey, you okay?" Nick asked, obviously knowing the answer. He place his and my mug on the coffee table in front of us. My mug had different types of Cats on it, meanwhile Nick had a mug that had 'Best Dad Ever!' written on it. That was how I told him we were having Rey.

"Yeah, just work overload," I replied, rubbing my eyes.

"Mkay," Nick knew I wasn't but didn't push it. "So anyway how was your first lesson?" 

Before the drama I encountered a teen called Samantha. She saw me in her dads music shop and asked if I could play the drums. I said yes and played a little bit, then she asked me if I could be her teacher. I was about to say yes before her father apologised for her actions and promised me she already had a teacher.

"But Sadiq can barely play!" Samantha moaned

"Yes but he's a learner too, you can learn together." Her father whispered.

"Sorry if this causes any inconvenience but, I'm looking for a little job and I'd be happy to teach!" I had said "I wouldn't mind doing it for free, even. My husband has a steady job and we can live off it. I just need a reason to get out sometimes."
"You would!?" Sam squealed as she looked up at her father. He sighed.
"We would be happy, but we have to pay you something. And when can you start?" He asked
"Uh, I'm staying at my sisters for a while but after that I'm sure I can," 

I zoned out my flashback, 

"Oh yeah! It was great, she was really good already but just needed to be given some freedom." I replied.

"That sounds great!" Nick said, holding onto my knee. I flumped on to him.


"Yeah, what's up?" He replied, I took a deep breath.

"I'm-" I was cut off by a cry. Nick and I both shot up and practically ran into Rey's room, we found her hiding under her cot, crying.

"What happened?!" I exclaimed.

"Scary man fwom- be - before. In my winbow." She miss-pronounced. 

"Honey what man..." I asked even more afraid.

"I've had fucking enough." Nick whispered under his breath. He picked Rey up, held my hand and walked into the main room. Locked all windows and doors and shut all blinds, he walked us into our room  and put Rey on our bed. "She's sleeping with you tonight and I'm going to find them." I paniced

"What- what if they're still out there?!" I cried, as I held Rey tight. Nick didn't look back.

"They won't, if we heard Rey cry, so did they. They must've run off." He said grabbing his coat.

"Hell no, I'm not letting you go out!" I put Rey on the bed and ran after Nick

"Why not?" Nick said.

I held his face. "Nick...Please."  Nick saw my stress. 

"Okay then," He hugged me and kissed my cheek. "I'll stay." 

That night we all slept together. 

How do I tell him...?

|𝚈𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎  𝓶𝔂  𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚛|Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora