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"Aphrodite's life is pretty shit, I wish there was a better way to put it but there isn't. She was born into a terrible family, one that didn't deserve her. Her parents are both assholes and the only good thing about her family is her older sister Iris. Who might I just add is like my favourite adult ever."

"On the outside, they seemed like the typical suburban family but what was going on inside those walls was a different story, her mom is an abusive alcoholic who doesn't care about her, and her dad is a cop who thinks he's protecting her but deep down he's just breaking her more than she already is."

"When she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety it was no surprise, after all her parents were so terrible at their job.  Despite her diagnosis, it didn't make her parents treat me any better, they just thought of it as a joke and treated her even worse because of it."

"Eventually, things got so bad that when she started middle school she began self-harming, sort of like how I turned to drugs.  She would find any sharp object and just cut herself... she thought it would take away the pain of her emotions and it did for a while but the pain from the cuts stung even more."

"Like me with the drugs, she got addicted... She kept cutting and cutting to try and make the pain go away but it never did and when her parents found out they didn't even care.  Instead of comforting her, her dad handcuffed me to the radiator in her bedroom and left her there.  Me and her sister ended up finding the key and freeing her, she stayed at my house for like a week after that."

"Eventually, it had gotten so bad that one night when her parents were out of town and she was being looked after by her sister... She went to the bathroom, picked up a razor and cut herself until she was bleeding out on the floor."

"Luckily her sister... being the great sister she was knew something was up and went to check on her after not hearing anything for a while and saw her lying on the floor... She was barely conscious and there was blood everywhere. Her sister called 911 and she was rushed to the hospital."

"You're probably wondering how I know all this, well she told me... I was jacked up on oxy or Adderall or some shit but I listened, just don't ask me how reliable this info is because I have no fucking idea."

"She was hooked up to a bunch of wires and machines and shit and was hardly able to move for weeks, she told me the best thing though was the drugs and the amount of sleep she got while being there. From experience, I 100% agree with this."

"After spending weeks in the hospital, she went into rehab and was placed on suicide watch for the rest of the summer... I don't think she's suicidal and neither does she but they wouldn't believe that. She told me the one good thing about rehab was that she was finally reunited with her best friend, which is me: Rue."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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