Helper in the Dark (Screech)

Start from the beginning

      "Who... who are you?" Player reluctantly asked. This could also be some sort of trick.

      Player got a little giggle in return. "My friends call me Screech! I can help you through the dark rooms up ahead!" the voice answered.

      The hair on Player's neck rose. There was more dark rooms after this one?

      But this child's voice was offering. Perhaps this is a child who had been stuck here for who knows how long.

      "I would love help. I can help us get out of the hotel together," Player offered, their voice filled with care and a soft warmth.

      There was silence. The child didn't respond. Player was starting to get worried that they were right about this being a trap until the felt a small hand hold onto theirs.

      "Would I get to see the stars?" Screech asked. Player hummed and gently wrapped their hand around the one that grabbed their's first, "As long as it stops raining by the time we get out."

      Once again that same child like voice giggled. Player smiled as they felt a small tug on their hand. They followed Screech, tripping over some things a few times.

      Player did feel something brush against their arm from time to time, but they assumed it was Screech's hair. Perhaps it was long hair.

      Not long after starting the in the dark tour, the clicking of a door was heard yet no light poured in. It was dark in the next room too.

      "Come on! The door is straight down the hall! There should only be one more room after this!" Screech proudly proclaimed as the went straight down.

       Player started to feel sympathy towards to what they assume was a child. He wondered what kind of horrors they were subjected to. Yet they were so cheery.

      When the next door opened, Screech let out a small groan. "We gotta find a key through all these rooms!" they groaned, taking back their hand to groan out in annoyance.

      "That's okay. How about we find it together? You look one direction while I go the other?" Player offered their advice.

      "That is so smart! I call right side!" Screech scampered off to try and find the key as quick as possible. Player couldn't help but smile, they were determined to get them out to offer this child a chance at a better life.

      Relying on the wall now, Player went to the first door on the left. They mostly expected for Screech to find the key before them, but they were surprised to have immediately found it. What luck!

      Looking through the other drawers, Player found a new light! They could finally see the child that has been guiding them! Then a shiver ran up their spine.

      Something in the back of their mind told them not to. Why?

      It should just be a harmless child, trapped here in the hotel. But that wouldn't make sense, why would a happy go lucky child be stuck here of all places?

      Player's thoughts were interrupted by Screech coming into the room they were in. Player quickly hid the lighter before Screech could notice.

      "I can't find it- Oh! You found it!" Screech's whining stopped as they noticed the key in Player's hand.

      Player gripped the key then ungripped it as they extended it forward, "Would you like to open it?"

      Screech got excited and was about to grab it. They stopped however and backed off, "Uh, you do it. I don't know how to unlock locks!"

      Buying the excuse, Player gently grabbed Screech's hand. Screech lead them to the end of the hallway to where the locked door was.

      When they got to the door, Screech backed off and let Player do what they needed to do.

      Player wasted no time opening the doors and embracing the light of the next room. They sighed, the fear of being in the dark easing on them. But what about their new friend Screech?

      Turning around, Player didn't see them. About to go back in, that familiar voice spoke up, "I don't like the light..."

      Player was confused, the light was good. Why not like it? Why be afraid of it?

      "It's okay! The light is a friend! Come on, we gotta keep moving!" Player tried to encourage Screech to follow, but they refused.

      "I could just catch up when you get to another dark room. I could also wait for the lights to turn off," Screech tried to offer the compromise, but Player wasn't having it.

      Taking out of the lighter, Player swiftly brought it into the dark room and turned it on with one flick.

      Their face dropped as what they saw was no a child. No, it was absolutely not.

      They were wearing a pair of very old overalls with a beyond dirty t-shirt. They had no shoes.

      What Player thought was hair was instead these long tendrals sticking and waving from their head. They had this wicked smile ans their eyes were glowing white dots against black goop.

      Screech's smile only got wide. "Guess I'll see you in the next dark room. Tell Seek I said hi!" Screech turned around and screamed in Player's face, making them tumble back out of surprise.

      The light was blown out as Player fell back. When they managed to scramble up, the door they had just came out of was shut and locked.

      What an experience. Getting up and putting the lighter back in their pocket, Player turned around and paused.

      Right next to the door leading out of this room was an eye surrounded by black goop, staring at them. Hi, Seek!

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