Suddenly someone's sword went through the monster's neck, blood spraying on my face. The weight of the monster was lifted off of me. I see Chang standing over me. His hand was held out. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. 

I nodded my head to say I'm good. 

Me and Chang look at everything going on. More monsters were coming our way. 

Right before a monster can come at me. An arrow covered in fire killed the monster. More fire arrows flew through the air killing monsters. 

The fire arrows lit the wheat around us on fire. 

An army of men ran in our direction killing the monsters. 

Behind an older man with a dark beard a monster snuck up on him. I picked my sickle off the floor and threw it at the monster's head. 

Making it fall. The man turned around and looked at me shocked and with tears in their eyes. 

Chang stopped fighting and stared at the man. I stared back. My heart hurt but I didn't know why. 

All the men stopped fighting when all the monsters were dead. 

I stared at the man while the man stared at Chang and me. 


I woke in a mat. I got up quickly but cried a bit in pain from my back. It felt inflamed. 

I slowly got up and went to touch my back. I hissed in pain. 

I moved to the door and exited the room. My feet touch the grass. 

"I need to get away. Where am I?" I whispered to myself. 

The area around me looked peaceful and beautiful. 

I breathed in the fresh air. 

I continued walking through the grassy area. 

A crunch on the ground made me stop. 

I stepped backwards. 

Through the leaves, a baby horse walks into view.

"HORSEY!" I squealed. 

I quickly hobbled to the baby horse. I started petting it.

"You're so cute." I said. 

"Her name is Hae."

I jumped and slowly turned my back so that I'm facing the person.

A man with a black beard is kindly smiling at me. I moved a bit backwards afraid of the man. 

"You don't need to be afraid. I saved you. The Queen's people dumped you in the dirt." The man said. 

"I did bad. I deserved my punishment. They threw me out because I'm not good." I shyly reply. 

"Who told you that?" The man asked.

"Cho Hakjoo and the Queen."

"Don't listen to them. You're good. You're strong." The man said.

My heart lightened at his words. 

"Come follow me." 

I walked after the man. I pulled his sleeve and said, "What's going to happen to me?"

The man stopped walking. He looked at me and said, "I will take care of you. What is your name and I will tell you mine."

"Kim Kwan." I said.

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