Wizard of oz thing

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Dorothy and the scarecrow were in the forest when they came across 3 trees. There were 2 little bushes and then on big sexy tree.
"I'm hungry" said Dorothy
"Look apples" said the scarecrow
Dorothy reached her sticky little paw out to grab an apple from the big sexy tree.
"GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF ME YOU WHORE!" the big ol tree exclaimed.
"That's not very polite!" Yelled Dorothy
"I don't care you little bitch get away from me."
Suddenly a voice reared it head
"You better not start with THAT tree. She's kind of a bitch." Said the mysterious voice
"Oh says you. You are made of tin. You don't even have a heart. Or a penis."
"HEY I DO HAVE ONE. It's just not that big...."
"Oh yeah?" The tree walked sexily up to the tin man. "Well, maybe I'd like to find out for myself." She seductively brushed a finger across his rusty ass chest. "How about you rattle your jobs for me, huh?"
The scarecrow immediately got super jealous. He said "well size doesn't matter to me" in a super sexy tone. "Do you need any oil rubbed on you???"
The tin man walks away from the tree and towards the scarecrow "depends.... Who's rubbing it in?"
The scarecrow blushed aggressively.
"WHAT ABOUT ME???? I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!" Screamed the sexy tree.
The tin man looked at her and said "what the fuck are you talking about. I'm gay for the scarecrow"
Then the tin man was swept off his feet by the scarecrow as they aggressively make out. With tongue 😏😏😏.
The tree then storms off and into the river hoping to disappear but she just stands there awkward.
The two lover then went off into the forest to do some stuff (Iykyk)
That just left Dorothy and the screen goes dark as she says "that's kinda gay"

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