Chapter 2

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Shinso's POV

I put my hand on his forehead. It was starting to get hot. I sighted and hugged him. Then I slowly fell asleep.

About two days later

Kirishima's POV

I slowly opened my eyes. It was hard. My eye sockets were so heavy. Everything was blury, and my body felt numb. I blinked several times, before I could see at least a little. Then, I looked around the room. A hospital room? And suddenly, I remembered.

I didn't wanted to think about it, it just reminded me of how much of a failure I was. Seriously, I couldn't even take down two villains. I'm such a weak sh*t.

Then, a figure sitting on the chair next to the left side of my bed, with a bowed blond head caught my eye. "K-Katsuki?" I tried to speak, but it was more of a whisper than that.

Even if, it was enough for Bakugo to quickly lift his head, and look at me. "E-Eiji... " he said. I tried to smile, but then I started to feel the pain that was pulsing through my body every second. I winced a little. "Are you okay?" "I-I'm fine" I said and tried to get up, but I felt the pain even stronger so I gritted my teeth and hold my stomach, where the most of the pain was coming from. Katsuki lightly pushed me down on the bed, and said :"Be careful, dumbass."
"S-sorry..." I said, and looked at my right hand. "Don't give me this look," Katsuki said, "I'm... glad you're awake." I looked at him. He was sitting at his chair, and looking at his fingers, that he had crossed in the middle of his legs. "W-what exactly h-happened?" I said, still struggling to speak a little. "HUH!? I AM THE ONE THAT SHOULD BE ASKING YOU WHAT HAPPENED. WHEN I FOUND YOU, YOU WERE IN CRITICAL CONDITION, AND YOU'RE ASKING ME WHAT HAPPENED!? EXPLAIN YOURSELF!!!" I got a little headache, and winced again. Katsuki stopped, sat back on his chair and said : "Sorry."

I couldn't take it anymore. With a bit of struggle, I sat up. "H-hey! I said carefully-" Katsuki said, but I didn't listened, and hugged him around his neck (A/N : Sorry if it sounds weird, but I don't know how to explain it OwO). "K-Kiri-" "I'm sorry Kats!" I started to cry
"I couldn't do almost anything. I just collapsed almost immediately. I should've known that the smoke wasn't there for nothing. I was supposed to help you, but all I did, was get hurt. I'm the same failure as I was before. I couldn't even-" I broke down to tears, and couldn't speak anymore. I just cried into Katsuki's shoulder.

"Eijiro, listen to me now." Katsuki said. "You are NOT a failure. Do you think I would date someone weak? You're the strongest and manliest man I know, and nothing's gonna change that." I continued to cry. "Just remember all the villains you've already beaten. It wasn't your fault you inhaled that smoke. You couldn't know that it'll affect you like that. It's not your fault. Okey? It's not."

Bakugo's POV

After I finished the sentence,it was quiet for a while. You could hear only Kirishima's sobbing. It was heartbraking.

It was so hard to see the person I love in such a pain, but at the same time, I know that he takes all blame on him. Even if he has absolutely nothing to do with the problem, Kiri somehow comes to the solution that he is to blame. And I am the one that he trusts the most. I am the one that has to comfort him, when he needs it the most. Even if he himself doesn't say it, I know that somewhere deep he's asking for help.

I lightened my touch. "Eiji, look at me." I broke the silence. Kirishima looked up. He was shivering so much. His eyes were almost all red and tears were still running down his face. I wiped one of the tears from his right cheek with my thumb, then, put my hand on the same one and looked him straight in the eyes. "Now, Eijiro, repeat after me : 'I am strong'." "I-I am s-strong" Eiji said, still sobbing. "I am smart" "I-I am smart"
"I am NOT a failure" "I-I am n-not a f-failure"

He almost stopped crying, but you could still feel the shivers, that were running through his whole body. "Eiji, you know I love you, right?" I said with a soft tone in my voice. Kiri looked down, and stayed silent. I sighted. "Eiji, look at me." he didn't. "Come on, look at me, Eijiro." he finally did, even if with a bit of struggle, and guilt in his eyes. "I love you. More than anyone else. You're the best thing that came into my life. I think... no, I know you're awesome. You're the strongest, manliest, and the most amazing person I had ever met. I wouldn't date just somebody. I love you. I love you so much. And nothing's gonna change that." I could see Eijiro's eyes get watery. He started to cry, and hugged me once again, while crying into my chest. Shivering, sobbing and full of bandages and wounds, Kiri's helpless body was resting in my arms. I hugged him tight, and let him cry.

Kirishima's POV

I didn't even know why I was crying. I tried to stop, but I just couldn't. Katsuki's body was warm, comfortably warm. He gently started stroking my back. It was really nice. We stayed like this for a while, with me, still crying.

Bakugo's POV

I closed my eyes. All I was paying my attention to was the, right now, weak body of my boyfriend. I knew that he was trying to stop crying. I could feel how desperately he did, so I started to stroke his back . He was trembling so much. It was sad. So sad. But I had to stay strong. For Kiri. For his mental and psychical health... For me.

Few minutes later

Kirishima was still crying, sobbing and trembling really much. I was so sorry for him. "It... It h-hurts" almost unheard whisper snapped me out of my thoughts. "What?" I asked with the softest voice I could. "The... The w-wounds. T-they h-hurt so m-much." Kirishima whispered, still trembling like crazy and still curled up in my arms. "Don't worry it will all be all right. You'll be all right. It'll be okay. " I whispered to his ear, while still stroking his back. I was whispering to him, until I heard his weak voice again. "I-I d-don't want to b-be l-like this K-Kats. I-I d-don't want t-to b-be so f-f*cking w-weak. I-I don't d-deserve y-you. I-I d-don't de-deserve your c-care an-and l-love. I d-don't deserve a-anyone's c-care. I-I w-would be b-better of so-somewhere I-I can't b-burden a-any-anyone." the last word was a lot quieter than the other ones.

"Dont say that! You know it's not true!" I said to him, but I realised right away that Kirishima wasn't listening to me anymore. He either passed out, or fell asleep from exhaustion. After all, he just woke up from a two-week trance. The last tears fell from his cheeks. He sobbed two more times, and then he stopped, but he still was trembling like crazy. He must've been cold. I put his weakened body back into the bed, and covered him up by the hospital blanket (A/N : Or what the thing is called). I gave him a little kiss on the cheek, before I hold his hand, and rest my other arm and my head on the bed and look at his face. I just hope he'll be okay... I thought, as my eyes begin to close and I fell asleep.

Author's notes

(Word Count : 1360) And here we go! Who else is happy that Kiri woke up? Also remember the 'Chapter 1' of this book? The one where Shinkami got a big role and Shinso said that Pikachu's gonna get sick? I won't write it here because this is a Bakushima/Kiribaku book, but if you wanna see some 'Sick Denki x Shinso' (aka you like Shinkami), there will be a bonus book called :
' Protect You - Bonus Book | Shinkami '. I predict it will have 2 - 3 chapters. I'm still writing the first one, but I'm sure it'll be done until tomorrow's evening. As for this book, I don't know when I'll write 'Chapter 3'. Depends mostly on my motivation. Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading. (EDIT: this book doesn't exist anymore so don't bother if you want to try and find it)

Bye-bye ฅ^•ω•^ฅ

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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