With a smile still present on my lips as I felt my cheeks heat up slightly as my head tilted down slightly, as if Randy was going to see me blushing. It had become a force of habit.

"We miss you too.", I replied, placing my free hand on my stomach.

"Love you, Melody."

"I love you too, Randy. Good luck."


The match was quick and intense from the get go, Randy immediately being backed into the corner by the Undertaker.

A slap to the Undertaker - heel Randy up to heel Randy tricks as usual - backed Randy into a corner, locking up with the Deadman.

They went back and forth, Randy dropping the Undertaker with a drop kick and going for the pin immediately, but with a kick out at one sent Randy straight back up to his feet, continuing his offence.

The control was in the Legend Killers hands until Undertaker sent him down with a right hand straight to the face, forcing Randy to retreat to the corner holding his mouth.

It's always the face what gets targeted.

"That had to hurt.", Nate winced as we watched the Undertaker take control of the match.

Randy went for the RKO only to be dumped over the ropes onto the outside of the ring.

The crowd cheered as the Undertaker did his signature leg drop on the ring apron before pulling Randy back up for the old school move, catching the young Legend Killer on his shoulder and dropping him back down to the mat.

Taker now in control, threw Randy back into the corner, going for a kick to the face only to have the Legend Killer side step, missing him altogether and getting his leg caught up on the top turnbuckle. With a drop kick Randy sent the Undertaker flying onto the barricade.

The match went back and forth once again, blow for blow, kick for kick, pin for pin. A 'Randy sucks' chant building from the Los Angeles crowd, showing their dislike for the Legend Killers brash attitude.

Running the ropes Undertaker caught Randy with a clothesline, going for the pin.

The young Legend Killer managed to inch his shoulder up by the two count, continuing the match as Undertaker started to look frustrated, pulling the young man up into the dragon sleeper hold.

"C'mon Randy, get out of it.", Elaine muttered, a frown appearing on her face.

Randy's body went limp, the ref picking his arm up to see is he was still conscious. It dropped once..twice..he was still coherent.

As a move of desperation, Randy countered with a ddt, dropping them both to the mat.

The pin attempt was made, the Deadman kicking out at two, Randy pulling him into the rear choke. Undertaker fought out of with punches to the gut, only to have the sleeper hold applied to him, instantly countering with a suplex to break the hold.

The crowd cheered as both men got back to their feet, Randy running into a big boot from the Undertaker, who ran the ropes only to be caught into a scoop slam.

Another pin fall attempt, another near fall as Undertaker kicked out at two, disbelief on the Legend Killers face.

All these pin falls are making me nauseous, can this just be over already?

Randy started his offence in the corner, reigning punches down onto the Undertaker, taking his time to pose only to get caught on the shoulders of the Deadman.

Jumping down, Randy escaped instantly going for the RKO only to be shoved into the ref, knocking him unconscious.

"Oh come on! He didn't even bump into him hard!", Nate whined, rolling his eyes at the shenanigans that were currently playing out.

The Undertaker pulled Randy up for the last ride, only to drop down due to Orton shifting his weight to save himself, dropping them both down.

The crowd got loud as Bob Orton slid into the ring and hit the Undertaker in the head with his iconic arm cast.

"Let's go dad!", Nate jeered, hollering at the tv screen.

Pulling his son to cover the knocked out Deadman, Bob pulled the ref up so he could start the count before sliding out the ring, already celebrating his sons win of breaking the streak.

Until the Undertaker kicked out at two.

With Randy arguing with the ref that it was three, Undertaker sat up, Bob shaking his head in disbelief.

Both men stood to their feet again, Randy going for a right hand only to be blocked and to receive several from the Deadman.

Rebounding off the ropes, Randy sent the Undertaker to where his dad was waiting, ready to hit him with his cast once again - only to receive a kick to the face, dropping the Hall of Famer off of the ring apron.

With no more distractions, Randy was caught with a hand to the throat, the chokeslam drawing near.

Undertaker lifted him up only to be caught in an RKO.

"THAT'S MY BOY!", Elaine clapped with a huge smile, encouraging her son.

Looking slightly dazed, Randy rolled into a cover on the Undertaker.

One..two..the streak stayed in tact.

Frustration finally boiling over Randy did the Undertakers signature gesture, the crowd booing in reaction as Randy hoisted up the Undertaker for the tombstone pile-driver.

The reversal came, Undertaker finishing the Legend Killer off for the three count keeping his streak in tact.


"I'm so proud of you, what you did tonight was amazing.", I smiled as I sat down on the edge of the bed on the phone to Randy.

"I'm glad you think so."

"Honestly Randy, you were amazing."

"Thanks Mel.", he replied, I could hear the smile in his voice. "So how was your first Orton family Wrestlemania viewing?", he asked.

If that's what they're called, I could definitely get used to this family tradition each year.

"It was fun, you're mom is so cute when she's there cheering you on. It's like she's in her own little world. Your brother is like a typical wrestling fan though."

"As expected, that's Nate for you.", Randy laughed.

"And who knew your dad was such a badass? How is he? That kick looked brutal."

"He's good, he had to get in on the action of course.", Randy laughed.

Silence fell between us for a short while before I spoke again, "Look I know I've said this once before but I feel I could say it a million times; I'm so proud of you and everything you've accomplished.", I smiled.

"It means a lot, especially coming from you, Melody.", he replied.

I overheard him yawn in the background, causing me to yawn myself. "I'm gonna let you go sleep, you've had a long night."

"Alright then, goodnight babe."


"Love you, Melody."

"Love you too, Legend Killer."


Please continue, the epilogue is waiting for y'all. :)

Love of a Legend Killer (Randy Orton/OC)Where stories live. Discover now