Living together

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Luke woke up the next day stumbling out of his bed. It was way too early and he hadn't gotten enough sleep. Still groggy he took his medication and made his way into the kitchen when Grogu ran into him. Right, he had forgotten his new roommates. "Hey, there." He smiled at him, picking him up. "What are you doing up already?" Carrying him into the kitchen with him he ran into Din who was cooking. Kriff, he looked good standing in his kitchen and cooking in casual clothes. After watching him for a few seconds he moved closer to him. "What's cooking good-looking?" He joked but immediately regretted it scared Din might find it weird.

The Mandalorian turned around seeing him hold the child as it played with his hair and he felt his heart flutter. Wearing a helmet had its perks especially when he had a terrible poker face without it. "I hope you like scrambled eggs."

"Oh, I-" Luke was a bit surprised that the other made him breakfast. It was sweet especially because he normally only had a coffee. "Thank you." He sat Grogu down at the table before sitting down himself and going over his notes for class.

When Din finished up he put two plates in front of them. This was weirdly domestic and even more strange was that he didn't mind it. He watched Grogu dig into the food happily. This was worth it all the trouble he went through was worth it seeing him happy and safe.

The Jedi tiredly ate some of it. He couldn't help but smile. "Thanks, didn't know you could cook." He let his hand run through his hair pushing it out of his face. It had gotten longer and he wanted to get it cut but he hadn't found any time yet.

"I picked some stuff up since I've been traveling with the kid."

"That's sweet." Luke looked up at him. "By the way why are you awake already?"

"I always get up early."

"Oh okay, I also thought that maybe I could take the next two weeks off to focus on Grogu." He got interrupted by a yawn. "I think it would be nice for me to get to know him more before introducing him to the class."

"That sounds good, mesh'la."

Grogu made some happy noises seeming to agree.

"He seems to like you."

"It's probably just the hair." Luke joked and poured the kid some more to drink. "My sister wants to come over for dinner tonight. I hope you don't mind. But if you do I can always cancel."

"Don't, this is your home."

"It's yours now, too and I want you two to feel at home here. So if something ever bothers you don't hesitate to tell me."

"Okay, still I don't mind her coming over."

"Great, then Grogu can meet Ben, too!" Luke smiled at the child. "You two will make great friends. He's a little unruly but a good kid." He finished his breakfast before getting up and turning back to Din. "Thank you again for making breakfast. You're too kind."

The Mandalorian watched him disappear into the bathroom. Meeting the others again after five years? Having been together with the Jedi was already overwhelming enough for him. The last time he met them he had helped rescue Han and the slaves. He wondered what happened with them and if everything still affected the Jedi because he had seemed so much more comfortable with himself and confident. It made Din happy to see him like that.

Luke came back out dressed and ready to go. He was wearing black head-to-toe like when he had rescued Din. The Mandalorian noticed how he seemed to cover everything up to his neck, even his sleepwear covered everything. It seemed a bit strange but by God if he didn't look incredibly attractive in the outfit.

"I'm off to work now." He grabbed his notes and tossed Din a key and a holocom. "Those are my spare keys, if you want to explore the city just remember to lock up." He smiled at them and gave Grogu a small wave. "I'll be back around the afternoon but if you need anything feel free to contact me. See you later!" He left with R2D2, much to Din's delight.

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