pov part 2 (18+ skip if you dont want to read)

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Just, before she went out with Charles she covered the desk in her room with candles. As soon as she entered her room again she did light them as they were in a quite large glasses, just as she got a message from Charles saying he was getring a shower then coming round for dinner. She showered and took the ultimate skin care routine. She looked through her suitcase a pulled out her finest lingerie.

She dresses in a large white blouse which just reaches the top of her knees with a belt around her stomach. She blow dries her hair and puts a little bit of concealer on.

Just as she enters the kitchen she, puts her favourite playlist on and starts to cut the vegetables ready for dinner, as they both agreed that Charles would take her to watch sunset and she would cook dinner.

Charles had quickly stopped by the bathroom one more time, watching himself. He sprayed some cologne on before he left his hotel room and made his way to hers.

He knocks on the door as ge adjusts his jacket, His heart jumps as his eyes land on his girlfriend. "Hello,' She smiles and steps aside to let him in. Charles smiles as he steps inside, "hello. Long time no see hey," he giggles "Too long if i say myself," Louisa laughes as she wraps her arms around his neck. She inhales the scent of his cologne and feels weak. Charles wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her closer to him.
"I've missed you even tho we have only been apart for around 2 hrs," he proceeds to whisper in her ear. A shover is sent down her spine when his hot breathe is brushes against her ear. "I've missed you too," Louisa whispers laying her thumb on his lip. Charles locks eyes with Louisa and he doesn't know what it is but something drives him crazy.

"Come," she says awfully close to his lips "Dinners nearly ready," Yet her lips don't touch or even brush against his and it driver him crazy, He tries leaning in but she backs off.
"Na-uh," she chuckles lowly earning a groan from Charles. "Not yet, even though I know you want too." Her eyes travel from his shirt to his eyes who stare into her soul. "Fine," he whispers in her ear, "but i can play this game as well." As he pulls back from her ear, his breathe fans her jawline, sending a shiver down her spine. Charles smirks realising the effect he has on her.

Louisa continues to prepare dinner as if nothing had happened. Charles, on the contrary, is observing his girlfriend. He then notices the white lingerie beneath her clothing. His mouth fell open, and he quickly coveres it with his hand. Charles, slowly rises to his feet and swiftly walks towards Louisa. He pushes her hair away to get access to her left ear.
"You look beautiful tonight," he whispers. "The clothing you wearing. All the clothing," instead of catching her off gyard she smirks while chuckling. It does not give satisfaction Charles wants with his compliment.

Dinner was good. It looked like the paused the teasing war and spent some quality time. Although it all changed when Louisa led Charles to her room. Charles walked into the room lit with candles. So, she is ready, Charles thought. Louisa slowly closes the door casually leaning against it.
Charles turns around in full admire, "you did all this?" Louisa gives him a faint smile and nods. She was nervous Charles could tell. Charles smiles as he walks closer.

⚠️ warning 18+ starts here⚠️

"C-can I pin you to the door know and kiss you, please?" He asks, still approaching. Louisa watches the lustfull look in her boyfriends eyes, "Yes," she whispers and allows Charles to pin her arms above her head. "Good, because I don't take no as an answer," he says in a low voice.

Charles holds both Louisa' hands in his hand while the hand caresses her cheek. He closes the distance and crashes his lips on hers. Charles's lips leave her lips but never her skin. His lips trail to her jawline down to her neck. Louisa couldn't suppress a moan, a sound Charles began to love.

"Are you sure?" He asks huskily. His lips leave her neck, only gor Charles to look her in the eyes. Louisa sees her gentle boyfriend and smiles. She admits she is ready to loose her virginity. She is ready, to loose it to Charles Marc Herve Percival Leclerc.
"Yes," she whispers as she frees her hands and starts unbuttoning his shirt.
"Please tell me when it hurts, okay?" Charles makes sure, laying his hand on hers. Louisa glances up and nods, "I will. Don't worry." Louisa captures his lips as she continues to unbutton his shirt.
Charles swiftly got rid of Louisa blouse and belt, leaving her in her lingerie, "you are so stunningly beautiful."

Louisa looks up in Charles eyes as she pushes him towards the bed, Charles was only in his pants butbhis bulge was visible. Charles sits on the bed, question marks flying around. Louisa doesn't break eye contact as she takes place on his lap. Her arms reat on his shoulder. Charles moans soflty as he feels Louisa moving closer to his crotch. Louisa captures his lips as she grinds on his growing bulge, earning a loud groan from Charles, "ah ... fuck." Louisa smirks, now knowing what she does to him.

Louisa gets of his lap and grips the waistband of his trousers. She pulls it down to his ankles, under support of Charles by lifting his hips.
"In the nightstand," she whispers and gestures to the nightstand next to her bed. Charles reaches out for the small drawer and finds condoms. "You get on the bed, my love," he smirks. Louisa does what he says and lays on the bed. Charles kneels infront of her and starts kissing her lips, her jawline, the neck, her breasts, her stomach, down to her vagina.
"I'll be gentle," he whispers, "squeeze me hand if I hurt you." Charles reacher out his hand for her to take, which she does.

He puts on the condom and lines up.
"Now it will quite a bit ," he says gently "squeeze my hand okay?" Charles slowly enters, carefully pushing through. He immediately stops when he feels his hand being squeezed. "Yes, I'm okay," she says, breathing heavily, "I assume it's only an o r time process." Charles starts to push gently until he is fully in. He stays like this to let her adjust to him and watched her.

"Are you okay?" He asks as he attacks her lips to cause some distraction. She murmurs an answer, "yea." Charles slowly begins to pick up some pace. The stinging pain for Louisa has switched into pleasure.

Louisa has never heard Charles curse before and she will get him about that. Charles presses his lips on hers as he keeps fucking.
"You're so good, baby," Charles pants and attacks her neck. Louisa felt this weird feeling in her stomach.

"I'm cumming," he pants.
'I think me too," Louisa whispers in extase
"Then let's go unison," he breathes
Both reaching their high point with a groan.

"You were amazing, darling," Charles says, laying next to Louisa, caressing her cheek. Louisa smiles faintly as she closes her eyes.
"I will tuck you in, my love," he saying pressing a kiss on her forehead. Louisa snuggles closer to Charles and wraps her arms around his stomach. Charles pulls up the blanket, covering them.
"Goodnight, darling," he whispers
"Goodnight, love," she whispers before falling asleep. Charles lies down thinking about what just happened. The corners of his mouth curl, up realising how happy he is.

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