"Bye Shanique, go and pack up for your flight." She says, reminding me that I'm suppose to be packing up for the last part of our vacation trip, London.

"Girl, I need a new suitcase. I brought two plus a carryon and they are all packed. Dan gone get another one for me cause his stuff pack up too." I say, looking around the hotel's suite that has my clothes and other purchases stacked in neat piles waiting for my husband to return with the additional bags.

"No man Shan, a wah yuh buy suh?" Andrea asks me sounding amused.

"Girl, it's not even me. A yuh boss do it. Everything I look at or touch him buy. Me just stop argue with him so mek him figure out customs with dem here bag and pan." I say exasperated.

"More than likely he knows someone there. So just buy and pack because I want gifts." She tells me, obviously amused.

I rolled my eyes at her because she was spot on.  According to Dan his links big and I don't need to worry about anything other than spending our money.

"Anyways, I'm going to go finish up this marketing plan so I can send it to you." Andrea tells me.

We say our farewells and she hangs up.

Removing my laptop from my lap, I placed it on the table next to the couch I was on. Feeling my eyes dropping, I decided to lay down a bit and wait for my husbands return.

I must have dosed off because the next thing I remember his Anderson leaning over me, shaking me awake.

I groaned at the disruption of my rest, stretching to my full length on the couch.

"Get up Shan and come eat sumn." He says in a calming voice.

At this my eyes zone in to the plate in his hands. He brought me food, yay.

"You're back." I say with a smile and he instantly mirrors it wit one of his own.

"For a little while now actually ." He responds and I grew curious.

"Suh why you didn't wake me up babe? I still have a lot of packing to do." I say, moving to sit upright.

Looking around the room I grew confused. Where are the stuff that I had laying around?

"Umm," Dan says while rubbing his beard. "You looked like you neeeded the rest so I just went ahead and packed away the stuff for you babe." I tells me and it melts my heart.

He is so good to me.

"Thank you babe, I appreciate that. What did you get me?" I asked as the smell of the food permeated the room. I stomach grumbled loudly and Dan chuckled at the sound.

"Oh, you're hungry, hungry I see. Well I Went back to that local restaurant you liked and I got a selection of things for us to try again." He tells me walking over to the dining area

I quickly hop up following behind Dan and the tantalizing aroma that went with him. Hungry a walk through my body and Anderson don't even understand how he saved a life

Getting seated around the table I wiggled in my seat as my husband uncovered all the local dishes that he brought. He shoves the container of Al Machboos towards me and I melted as the blend of meat and spices drafted up my nostrils.

I wasted no time digging into the plate of meat and rice that quickly attacked my taste buds with bliss. I moaned out loudly causing Dan to laugh, his fork full of Tabbouleh raised.

I rolled my eyes at him and his choice of meal. Everywhere him go, he eats like cow and goat. I'm not knocking the dish however, because I had a taste of his when we had first had dinner at this Patricia restaurant. I'm just saying, I need something with meat on my plate.

"Before I forget, I got a confirmation email from Dr. Marham regarding our change in schedule. She says she can do 5pm." Dan tells me, shifting the mood of our meal.

I instantly became nervous about what this trip to London has to offer. I'm trying to keep an open mind and not having any expectations but the little inkling in the back of my head tells me I'm set out for a lot more tears.

Being who he is my husband soon picks up on my shift in mood. Reaching across the table, he grabs my hand squeezing it gently.

"Everything is going to be okay baby. I'll be here ever step of the way." He says with a slight smile.

I smile back at him but neither of us are fooled. I look down at my ones appetizing meal with a frown

I've lost my appetite.

At the Heir's Request 2 Where stories live. Discover now