Chapter 7

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Hannah had laid in bed all night the sounds from the other women disturbed her and she didn't want to be caught out. She had convinced Alistair to wait a few days before offering to buy her out of her debt as it might appear that she had talked him into it and told him more than she should have done. Perhaps he would come and save her and she could finally stop this hideous job. 

She turned up to clean his apartment as normal and she felt a little deflated when there was no sign of him at all. She pottered around and partway through she made herself and cup of coffee and sat at the breakfast table. It was then that she heard the studio room door slowly creak open and the sounds of someone walking barefoot on the expensive floorboards. She put the cup down and took a deep breath in and walked through the living room and entered the corridor to see the wet footprints again, but this time entering the studio. Hannah tried the locked door, so she placed her ear against the door to see if someone was in the room. She heard breathing and rustling and she took a step back, fearing who might be in there she quietly and quickly snook out of the hallway. Making a mental note not to go near that room or that strange photo of the girl. 

That night came and she found herself on the street corner again. Alistair had said he would pay off her debt but she had doubts about him. She barely knew him or anything about him only that he had money and his family came over for poker night every now and then. He wouldn't be the first married man to have his own separate apartment so he could keep his mistress and wife separate. Hannah was left dealing with the usual clients until Alistair eventually turned up, just as Hannah was getting out of the car of another client. Hannah felt herself squirm inside she hadn't wanted him to see her with any of the men that frequently hired her for company. Alistair didn't seem to pay any attention to it and paid her minder for the night as he had done before. Alistair however was handed a brown envelope containing something along with Hannah being pointed at and told her to get into his car. She did and she was told and was surprised the passenger seat was already heated and cosy. She didn't say anything as Alistair got into the car, his face had gone stern and distant as he fastened his seatbelt and drove away with Hannah beside him.  "Get a shower and get changed there are some clothes packed in a bag use those and throw the ones you are wearing out." He told her. 

"Are we going somewhere?" She asked,

Alistair smiled and it was the first time that Hannah had noticed how cold his smile was, almost as if it was for show rather than any real meaning behind it. "We are going to my family's country mansion, where you have to remain low for a bit." 

Hannah wanted to enquire more at this point but something about his demeanour put her off. She quickly gave herself a shower with the expensive-smelling toiletries. She dried herself off and then looked at herself in the mirror and the letters, W...H...Y, were slowly drawn into the steam on the glass mirror and a dark silhouette appeared behind Hannah as what felt like a hand took hold of her shoulder. Shaking where she stood, as she felt a cold breeze against her neck as she heard the entity whisper run into her ear. Hannah daren't move until she heard Alistair calling her and the shadow and letters disappeared. Hannah not wanting to hang about quickly pulled on the new clothes Alistair had just bought her and she left the bathroom to see him in the hallway. He smiled at her pleased with how she now looked presentable. "Are we going?" He asked and Hannah couldn't wait to get into the car and get the hell out of this place.

Alistair drove onto the near-empty motorway and changed the music on Spotify as he put his foot down.  It had been a long time since Hannah had felt this free, as she sat and watched the lights rhythmically pass the window in a blur. "You could make it a bit more fun." He hinted at her. Hannah knew what he meant as unzipped his trouser. Hannah lowered her head and placed her lips around his cock. Gently sucking and licking his now hard cock, she felt the card speed up and the volume on the radio increased. "This music to my cock sweetheart," Alistair told her.

They had left the main roads some time ago and were now winding their way around some country roads as Hannah had fallen asleep in the passenger seat. Alistair gave Hannah a nudge, "We are nearly there." He told her, as they turned down a grit road.  The large mansion came into view and Hannah, "We are stopping in the hunting lodge it's a bit more private." 

"You don't like the big house?" she asked, He didn't reply so Hannah dropped the conversation straight off. "That's fine with me I like cosey." She told him. distracting him from the dark thought she could see had entered his mind and caused him to screw up his pretty face. The hunting lodges had a view of the stables and she could see the horses from a distance with their heads peering out of the door. "Do you like horses?" Alistair asked,

"I haven't really met one." Hannah said, "Some of the other girls in the house like them for some reason."

"You shall meet one after a shower and some proper sleep." He showed her into the lodge which was a nice cosy two-story house and a lot bigger and older than Hannah had pictured. You could see the other house in the distance but Alistair seemed to be eager to just get himself into the hunting lodge. "The room at the top of the stairs has an ensuite and you can have that one," Alistair told her. Hannah did as she was told his mood seemed to have changed since arriving back at his family home and she didn't want to upset him. 

Hannah quickly began to put all her things in the drawers and wardrobe when she came across a coat. It looked worn and had some sort of strange rusty staining around the neck area. Hannah didn't pay it too much attention only that she thought it needed a wash. She put her clothes on the hanger leaving the coat as far from her new clothes as possible she didn't want to get them dirty and they looked so pretty. She grabbed a shower in the ensuite and was too tired to put much thought into the lights flickering other than it was an old house. she stepped out dried herself and put on one of the slick night dresses that Alistair had bought her.  She half expected him to have turned into bed himself but she found him gone. Hannah now snuggled in between the cosy warm blankets and slept. 

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