Chapter 1.

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The rain could be heard pelting down upon the cover of the lorry as it drove to its destination. The girls sat huddled behind the boxes of dog food. Every so often the Lorry would turn a corner pushing them to one side and making the crates lean till they almost but not quite tipped over. Some of the girls were managing to sleep but one with long brown hair couldn't. She was alone and unlike the others hadn't bought a friend or family member with her. They turned around an unusually tight bend then it was quickly followed by another. The lorry made some twists and turns before a hiss from its brakes let them know it had stopped. None of them knew where they were and what was going to happen next. The girls that had been dozing were awakened by their friends and they all clambered to the back of the lorry expecting someone to open it and they could finally say they had reached their new home and life. 

Some people could be heard talking outside and one of the girls grew impatient and began to see if she could get herself out. A couple of the others began to grow worried and started to help her. One of them outside the lorry heard and quickly opened the door, dragging the closest girl out by her hair. "Out the lot of you." The man said in a gruff voice. Scared and confused the women obeyed.  They stepped out into a car park the only vehicle there was the lorry they had just arrived in and a minibus. On the side of the minibus was a logo of a small red vacuum cleaner and the words West Yorkshire Pro Cleaners, written underneath it. The girl with the brown hair along with the other girls was ushered quickly into the minibus.  

The day was fully underway when the brown-haired girl was relieved to see that they had left the main roads and were now on a housing estate. Perhaps they could have some food now and she couldn't wait to use the bathroom much longer. 

They stopped outside a long row of terraced houses built with a murky-coloured brick. They were quickly filed out of the minibus and into the house. As soon as the door opened there was more than a faint smell of cannabis and stale air of too many people living in a place that was only meant for a small family at most. "You have the two bedrooms upstairs." The man said and pointed up the narrow staircase. "You can go to the toilet as well now." The lack of empathy was clear on his face and in the tone of his voice. "Do not go into the cellar, attic or, kitchen unless me or one of the others tell you." There was a quick dash to the toilet and a queue immediately formed. the brown haired girl could immediately see why they were not to go upstairs to the attic as there was no mistaking the glow of the heat lamps keeping the valuable crop alive. In the bedrooms, they had squeezed in as many bunk beds as you could and they possibly could. A few women were already in the beds forcing some of the to share while snatching whatever sleep they could in the hell hole that they had arrived to.

In the morning the girls were given fake names and passports that went along with the fake passports that the men for now were keeping hold of. The brown haired girl found her new name was to be Hanna and that she was now Polish- English national and just gone eighteen. "Now you have the passport you have to work for us to pay it off." The guy clearly in charge told the young girls. his hair was as dark as him and he appeared to be dressed better than the others who just wore tracksuits and hooded tops. No one said his name only called him boss and thanked him when he presented everyone with food. Hanna went along with this knowing that if she didn't it would likely result in her being at least beaten or dead.  "don't worry ladies." He said in a patronising tone. "It is only cleaning you will find disagreeable. The rest you will learn to love as much as the men do."

Three months later .............

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