Allergic Reaction

Start from the beginning

Jays POV

"Gracie" I panicked as I watched her eyes fall closed "c'mon you can't do this to me. Open your eyes baby girl" I pleaded. But her eyes remained closed. "We need to get here there Ruzek" I practically shouted.

"Ok ok" he said as he pulled up in front of the ED "we're here" he told me. I wasted no time in jumping out of the truck and carrying Gracie in to the ED.

"CAN I GET SOME HELP?" I shouted, immediately catching the attention of multiple doctors.

"Trauma three" Maggie directed "Dr Rhodes" she shouted over to Conor,

"What's happened to her?" Conor asked me once I had set Gracies limp body down on to the bed,

"I have no idea" I admitted "she was just eating and the next minute she couldn't breath" I explained the best I could.

"Ok, sounds like she's in anaphylactic shock" Conor spoke to the nurses "let's get an IV attached and an oxygen mask on her" he instructed "what was she eating?" He asked me,

"Sweet and sour chicken and noodles, but she's had that tons of times" I explained,

"Any existing allergies that you know of?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Is she gonna be ok?" I asked concerned,

"We'll do all we can" Conor assured me,

"Jay, why don't you wait outside and let the doctors do their work" Maggie suggested as she ushered me out of the room. I didn't have much time to protest before I saw Will leaving one of the other treatment rooms.

"Jay?" Will asked and instantly frowned when he saw the look on my face "where's Gracie?" He questioned as he deserted his iPad on the nurses station and walked straight over to me.

"Gracie...she..." I swallowed down a sob "she couldn't breath Will, she was turning blue and then...and then she just closed her eyes. I tried to stop her and keep her awake. But she closed her eyes." I explained as a sob shook through my entire body.

Will walked straight past me and in to the trauma room where Gracie was being treated and returned a few minutes later.

"Anaphylaxis" Will stated in shock "she's not allergic to anything" he commented "it must've been something she ate" he stated,

"She was eating sweet and sour chicken Will, she's had that hundreds of times" I replied as I ran a hand through my hair. Just then my phone rang and Haileys name flashed across the screen.

"Hey" I answered distractedly,

"Hey how is she?" She questioned in concern,

"She went in to anaphylactic shock" I told her "they said it's something that she's eaten but she's eaten that food tons of times" I said as I continued to rack my brain for possible explanations.

"About that. Jay. We checked her plate after we figured it was an allergic reaction" she told me making me frown,

"And?" I asked, hoping to find the answer.

"When she went to get her own food she accidentally put Adams peanut chicken on her plate" she told me and my face dropped,

"What?" Will asked with a frown as he saw my expression,

"Gracie had Adams peanut chicken on her plate" I told him. He paused for a second to process the information I had just told him before walking back in to the treatment room to tell Conor "thanks Hailey, I'll call you when I've got more news" I said before hanging up the phone.

Twenty minutes later

"Ok boys, you can go see your sister" Maggie said as she walked in to the waiting room and led us back over to the treatment room where Gracie was. I walked in first and the sight I saw on the bed nearly broke my heart. Gracie lay lifeless with an oxygen mask covering her nose and mouth. She had wires and tubes sticking out of her, all attached to different machines and fluids.

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