eleven. oikawa

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A/N: I'll be changing the way in which I write my chapters.


"SO YOU KNOW ME.. HUH." Toshila blinked, a bit surprised.

Bokuto had a glint in his eyes before he shrugged. "A friend of mine is a huge fan."

"Toshila Ushijima, right?" He asked. "Basketball star?"

The corner of the brunette girl's lips slightly tugged upwards as she hummed. "Yeah."

Bokuto grinned. "It's nice to meet ya’!"

Toshila blinked blankly at his excitement, before nodding. "Yeah."

She turned back to her coffee and ignored Bokuto's existence.

Tendō stifled his laughter, turning to look at Bokuto with an apologetic expression on his face. "Don't mind Toshilaka here, she's so much like Ushiwaka sometimes."

Bokuto laughed heartily, waving it off. "It's fine, really. I'm just surprised someone like her had to lie about dating Seijoh's captain."

"About that..." Toshila muttered, a bit embarrassed. "It was just a slip of the tongue."

"Figures. I didn't even think for a second you guys were a thing when I saw you earlier." Oh he did.

The owl-eyed ace took one look at the hot girl earlier who claimed to be Oikawa's girlfriend and almost had a mental breakdown. Why?

He's the coolest captain in the world, how come he doesn't have someone that pretty on his radar?

Bokuto looks at Toshila, golden brown eyes twinkling as a charming grin was situated on his face. "‘Cos I know you can pull better than that."

Tendō looked at Toshila knowingly. Owl boy was trynna flirt.

But like a switch was flipped, the teasing tone in her voice was evident as she spoke. "Oh, really?"

Tendō held the urge to roll his eyes. And Toshila was trynna flirt too.

Tendō was so out of there.

As much as he loved reading shoujo manga, things in real life are way different— not to mention, way cringe. He stood up and left the two alone when he felt the urge to go to the bathroom.

"Yep!" Bokuto winked at her. He then looks at her phone. "Hey, if you don't mind I'll give you my number."

"Huh? Why aren't you asking for mine instead?" Toshila rose a brow at him.

Bokuto smiled. "Well, I'd like to give you a choice— if you wanna text me or not after this conversation. I don't wanna ask for your number and text you, only for you to be forced to answer even though you don't actually like me."

Toshila snorted. "Smart, but who said I'd like you after having one conversation?"

"I meant — like me as a person." Bokuto winked. "The rest can just follow later."

Toshila laughed, shaking her head. "You're funny."

"So I've been told." Bokuto grinned at her. "So would you like my number?"

Toshila had a smile on her face as she handed him her phone. "Sure."


timeskip— one week later


no, jalapeño doesn't go with ice cream.

yes it does

EAT ME, OIKAWA ᝰ t. oikawaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora