Saturday, 7:30 AM

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Sunlight floods Gabriel's hotel room, leaving a warm glow over everything it touches. Slivers of morning light seep through the comforter Fi pulled over her head, coaxing her to greet the day. She rolls to her side and finds that the other half of the bed is colder now compared to hours ago when Gabriel's arms were wrapped around her.

So this is what it feels like, was the first thought that came to mind last night when he pulled her closer to him. She wasn't quite sure if her mind and body were too exhausted to process the fact that she was in bed with a man, but she surprised herself with how at ease she felt. Her heart might have raced for a few minutes, but Gabriel's embrace was warm and his voice comforting enough to calm her.

She opens her eyes and confirms Gabriel's absence. She supposes he's in the bathroom, or already enjoying the breakfast buffet. Fi doesn't mind. She needs these few more moments of silence before putting on her business face again. And under the hot summer sun, too.

Fi gets up slowly, relishing the cool air from the air conditioning and the subtle warmth from the sunshine pouring in through the windows. Already, she feels refreshed. Like she can take two more weeks of travelling with the band.

She retracts that last thought. Maybe just a week.

She makes her way to the bathroom and lightly twists the knob to check if it's locked. It's not. She opens the door and steps in, only to find a half-naked Gabriel standing in front of the mirror, smearing his face with shaving cream. The white bath towel around his waist jogs her memory of that one morning last year when she first witnessed this... glorious vision.

Holy déjà vu.


"Shit, I'm so sorry. I thought you were out, and—"

He turns around, and panic sparks in Fi's heart when the towel around his waist threatens to come undone.

"Hey. Chill. It's not like you haven't seen this before."

"That was a long time ago," she points out, finding it difficult to look away. Are her eyes playing tricks on her, or are those shoulders broader? "Have you been working out? You look big. Bigger than I remember."

"Yeah, well, I had nothing better to do with my free time." He shrugs and turns to face the mirror again. He picks up his razor and starts sliding it up his face, the repetitive movement almost hypnotizing. "Aside from making all those Skype calls to you, that is."

Fi smiles at the not-so-distant memory of their nightly Skype calls since New Year's Eve. It feels as if it was just yesterday when Gabriel decided to spend Christmas in Manila, laid his cards on the table, and told her he wanted to pursue her. With the help of her childhood friend, Carlos, Gabriel was even inspired to learn a few tricks in the name of panliligaw. He has since impressed her with sweet little things like silly e-cards, impromptu serenades—"Hararanahin kita," he fumbled hilariously at the words—and even movie "dates."

"Right. Meanwhile... I've been slacking off."

"You're losing weight." He pauses, looking at her in the mirror. "Don't think I didn't notice. I should feed you more burgers or something." When he turns to face her again, the towel loosens a little more. Fi steps forward, reaches for the towel and with trembling fingers, attempts to secure it around his waist.

"For a second there, I thought you were going to strip me."

"You wish."

He sneaks a kiss on her hair, leaving a spot of shaving cream. "I'm so glad I made this trip," he declares. "Look how much progress we're making!"

"Pray we don't get reprimanded over this."

"There is nothing in the employee handbook that states two Amethyst employees can't date or have romantic relations. I've checked. Many, many times."

"Color me impressed."

A smirk appears on his face. "That's my goal," he says and resumes shaving. "Don't worry, I will try my best not to be a bother during your work hours."

"Good, because I'm not beyond calling Minja sunbae and telling her that her beloved deputy is causing all sorts of trouble overseas."

Gabriel splashes his face with cold water and flashes her a grin in the mirror. "I love it when you threaten me with disciplinary action."


The sound of their laughter bounces against the bathroom tiles. Fi thinks it's a lovely way to start the day.

Almost There (a Summer Crush Short Story) - WATTPAD VERSIONHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin