He smiles brightly and kisses my forehead. "I can have it arranged in a few days time."

I reach up and cup his blushing cheeks into my hands. "Nothing crazy. Just you and me."

He nods. "By any chance, did you receive your gift in our bedroom yet?" He asks.

"What gift?"

"I had it sent to our room earlier today."

I sigh in a moment of exhaustion."I've been out all day. There were rumors of assassination plans and I had a good lead from an insider."

"Right. There was." He nods. "How did that go?"

"Successful. I killed the traitors and threw their leader into the prison for questioning later this week. I need her to starve a bit before I do my usual tactics."

"Wonderful. Come, my love. I want you to open your gift." He grabs his coat and holds out his arm for me to take. I link my arm with his as we make our way to the bedroom.

Millicent meows in the hallway, scurrying around having her own adventure to who knows where.

Armitage opens the large golden door to our fancy bedroom. A small weathered box lays neatly on my side of the bed. "A note?"

"I thought you would have received it earlier while I was out." He sheepishly says. He hangs up his jacket and begins to undress after a long day of ruling the galaxy.

My dearest,

Here is a treasured artifact of the old made new. It's history is directly tied to Coruscant. Make use of it. Twist it's legacy to your will.

Your Emperor

I peak behind me to see Armitage watching intently. He takes off his black undershirt and tosses it into the hamper.

I pick up the old box and open the lid. A red velvet sash covers what is under it. I move it away to reveal a silver and black hilt of a lightsaber with golden accents. I pick it up from the velvet case and marvel in its old fashioned beauty. "Who's was this?"

"It's a long and enriching tale tied into the fates of many that have shaped our present. I've archived the details and sent it to your holopad to read on your free time."

"The craftsmanship is gorgeous." I put the box back on its bed and take in the well built hilt in my hands, getting a good feel for it. It's heavier than my own saber.

"It's a favorite of mine. You'll see once you ignite it." Armitage says.

I point the hilt away from me and ignite it. An astounding vibrant color of amethyst spills out of the handle. "Purple?" It's blade is long, as a regular lightsaber should be.

"If you would prefer red, I can find you another lightsaber."

"It's stunning! I've only ever heard tales of purple lightsabers. I can't believe I'm holding one!" I move it around to understand it's shape and length. "I've trained with short blades for so long, that this almost feels weird. I'll have to train a bit more." I sheath the beautiful purple glow. "Thank you Armitage."

"Of course, my dear." He picks up his black boots and puts them in his closet.

I put the saber on my empty belt holster and scurry over to Armitage. My hands reach up to his shoulders as I nearly yank him down to kiss him.

"Mm." He moans out and pulls away. "We should head to bed soon. It's an early day tomorrow."

"Surely we aren't sleeping this early?" I pout my lips at him.

"No. I have some things to do first before I sleep." He mumbles between our kisses.


"You." His hands trail down my side. Without any kind of permission, he loosens my belt and takes it off. He drops it to the ground. My black tunic opens slightly, revealing the interior of bright red. Armitage immediately undoes my weapons belt and gently places it down with my lightsabers still attached to it.

"Wow. You are demanding today." I mumble, feeling his warm skin with my ever searching hands.

He smiles. "Well I am your Emperor now."

"That you are. What are my orders?"

He quickly pulls away and drops his happy expression. "Wait, are you really letting me take control tonight?"

"Why not? It's been a special day, Emperor Hux." I coo at his title and bat my eyes.

He nods and undoes his pants. "As your Emperor, I command you to get on your knees."

"Yes, Emperor Hux."

The End?

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