The De Vils Revenge - Part 5

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I spent the entire afternoon mindlessly walking around the streets of London. By dusk I finally admitted defeat and decided to head back to the warehouse. As I sat myself on the busy tube, my mind wondered as to what excuse she would give me this time about where she had been and what she had been doing. I knew it would be something to do with work,  cheating definitely wasn't Estella's style. As much as I knew how important this all was to her, I couldn't help but feel that she was losing sight of our future together and I couldn't  stand by and lose the love of my life over something so stupid.

I noticed her almost immediately as the lift door opened. She was sat at her workspace, labelling the final designs for her show. She looked amazing as she always did. Her black and white curls fell messily beside her face, and her glasses rested on the tip of her nose. She always did look effortlessly beautiful, which made being angry at her a whole lot harder.

Jasper and Horace had already left, and I could feel the heavy weight of the tension and awkwardness as I stepped out of the lift and in to the warehouse. Seeing her there at her desk made me feel so torn. Part of me wanted to run up to her, jump into her arms, and tell her how much I had missed her. But she had let me down, yet again, and I wasn't sure how much longer I could excuse the way she was behaving. Instead I walked straight past her, without even glancing in her general direction, and sat myself down on the sofa. 

Unsure of how to handle the situation, I did my best to ignore Estella, instead placing all my attention on to Buddy, who was now curled up into my lap, blissfully unaware of what was going on. Estella carried on working as I sat there, enduring several long minutes of awkward silence, with nothing but the crackle of the fireplace to drown out the tension in the room.

I could feel the heat of her eyes, as she stared over at me, whilst I sat there waiting for her to say something. But she didn't say a word. Feeling upset and unable to endure the awkardness of the situation any longer, I stood up and began walking over to collect my things. Afterall, I didn't see much point being there a second longer if she wasn't even going to make an effort to apologise for standing me up, again.

"Where are you going?" She sighed deeply, as she casually sat at her desk, peering over the top of her glasses at me.

I blanked her and carried on past her. I knew full well that I was being childish, but I felt I had the right to be after she stood me up.

"Oh, great so you're just going to blank me all night then, huh?" She shouted loudly, clearly irritated at my pettiness.

"Sorry, are you talking to me?" I responded scornfully. "Good to know you remember I exist."

"Oh for fuck sake, Y/N, why are you being so ridiculous?"

"I am being ridiculous? You're the ridiculous one. You stood me up again, Estella, and the worst part is, you haven't even bothered to apologise." I yelled back at her.

"I did not fucking stand you up Y/N. I was at work. You can't be mad at me for that." She responded insistently.

"Why can't I be mad at you?" I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "I have every right to be. You promised me you were finishing early. I waited here all afternoon and you never showed up." I replied sharply. "Work is all you seem to care about lately. Do you even still want me here?" I took a deep breath and frowned in despair worrying what her answer might have been.

"Y/N. Stop being dumb." She said firmly as she stood up, and began walking towards me.  She stopped once we stood toe to toe, glaring at one another, as the room filled with heavy emotion.

"You know I would have rather been with you this afternoon, but I had to go to lunch with the Baroness after work."

Annoyed with her, I took a step back from her. "You said you were at work, not going for lunch, Estella."

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