Not disappointed and new Roommates

Start from the beginning

"Now, how have you been?" Luke beamed at him. "I haven't seen you in what five years?"

"Yeah, it's been a while. I've been alright, the usual bounty hunting business. Well, until recently." He looked at Grogu. "What about you? I heard about the empire and everything. That was you right?"

"Yeah, that was us." Luke chuckled scratching his neck. He didn't really like talking about it and was glad when they arrived at the X-wing. "Let's see how we'll fit." He climbed up into it taking Grogu and extending his hand to Din. "Hope you're okay with sitting in my lap." He joked.

Din took his hand and all three of them squeezed into the X-wing. It really was snug and he did not expect to be literally sitting between his legs when they met again. He held Grogu in his lap as the child tried to play with Luke's cape. "Sorry, he's a bit of a handful."

Luke chuckled. He was running on minimal sleep keeping up with his nephew and trying to keep him out of trouble. "He's gonna fit right in." He took off to Chandrilla. "Maybe he'll be friends with my nephew."

"Wait, you have siblings?"

"Oh, yeah, see turns out Leia is my sister! We found out a bit after you left and she and Han got married and well, they had little Ben."

"Man, this Galaxy is small."

"I know right? Like what is the coincidence of you being Grogu's dad and him contacting me." He paused. "You know you could've called me."

"Yeah, I lost my communicator, bounty situation."

"Well, then let's get you a new one." He looked at the man sitting between his legs smiling. "Tell me about some of your bounties. You know like that night we sat together at the rebel fleet."

"Okay." Din recounted some stories like the mudhorn story when they arrived at the planet's capital. He got out taking Grogu in his arms and helping Luke out.

The Jedi thanked him. "Come on let me show you my apartment." He walked him over to it, opening the door to R2D2 beeping at him. He had just left on a whim, as soon as he got the message. Leia was probably worried sick as he was supposed to teach today. He let the two in, the child playing with the droid. "Make yourselves at home. I'll show you the guest rooms." He showed Din the room he would be staying in before showing him a children's room that he had furnished for when Ben stayed over. "You must have been through a lot today, can I get you anything?"

"Do you have something to drink for Grogu?"

"Yeah." Luke went and got the kid some orange juice before finding his communicator go off. He had left it here in a hurry. "That's probably Leia. I should take that sorry." He took the call.

"Where are you?!" She seemed really worried. "Are you okay? Do-"

"I'm okay and home. Leia, I picked up a youngling. If you want to we can talk more tomorrow but it's late right now. I'm sorry for not calling you back earlier I just got home and I forgot my communicator.'

"Okay, we're coming over for dinner tomorrow then." She paused. "You scared us. But I am glad you're okay."


"It's alright. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah see you." He hung up. "Sorry, now where were we? Right, let me show you the rest of the apartment." He showed him around. "As I said make yourself at home." He smiled. "If you need anything just say so."

"Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me, not after everything you did for me." He took his hand. "I missed you."

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