Just because he's an assassin, doesn't mean he's bad with kids

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The small girl ran up to her babysitter. The boy took her into his arms and glared at the people bullying her. Qiqi gripped Xiao's shirt and quietly sobbed, her knee was scraped. "Gege, they're making fun of Qiqi..." she muttered in a hushed voice. "Who did this?" the assassin asked, venom in his voice. "I just want to talk."

(In this AU, Zhongli adopted Qiqi and she frequently hangs out in 5WIRL's hideout[they're all an assassin group here

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(In this AU, Zhongli adopted Qiqi and she frequently hangs out in 5WIRL's hideout[they're all an assassin group here. Might draw the others too] because Zhongli is very busy. He entrusted Qiqi to Xiao, his most loyal assassin so he takes care of her during Zhongli's absence. He cares deeply for the girl amd treats her like a younger sibling although he denies it, claiming to only be doing it because he was tasked to)

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