Chapter 3: Facing the Past

Start from the beginning

??: "Back when?" Y/n turned his head to see Hange Zoe standing behind him.

Y/n: "Oh it's you. Hange isn't it?"

Hange: "Yep, that's my name. So, what were you mumbling about?"

Y/n: "Oh...just reminiscing about the old days. Before the fall of Wall Maria and Shiganshina."

Hange: "Oh really? You wish to join the scouts don't you?"

Y/n: "That's what I plan to do. So, tell me what a pretty face like yours is doing out this late?"

Hange:*chuckle* "Well aren't you a flirty one."

Y/n: "It just comes naturally to me."

Hange: "Well if you must know, I just wanted to spend some time away from everyone. All of this work can get rather overwhelming, especially considering we're going on another expedition tomorrow." Y/n and Hange walked over to a flight of stairs and sat down on the bottom step.

Y/n: "Expedition eh? There's been a lot more after Wall Maria fell right?"

Hange: "I see you've done your research."

Y/n: "It's hard not to when you've got a well-known leadership group. Gotta say though, those Ackermans are more amazing than I thought." Hange looked at Y/n with an intrigued expression on her face.

Hange: "Say, why are you so interested in Ackerman's?"

Y/n: "No reason in particular. I've just always thought it strange that the Ackermans are practically superhumans."

Hange: "I suppose you raise a good point. However, there rather rare. Well, even more than they were before."

Y/n: "What happened to them."

Hange: "To be honest I'm not too sure. All I know is that the King of the Walls has been slowly cutting down their numbers."

Y/n's thoughts: "I wonder why that is? Probably because he learned that you can't fuck around with their minds. I learned that I couldn't get into Ackerman's head. So, I can't see why Lady Ymir would be much different."

Y/n: "You are a lot tamer than you were earlier on. So, tell me why a crackpot like you, would go into Titan Research?"

Hange: "It's a long and boring story."

Y/n: "I don't mind. I'm interested myself in such things too."

Hange: "Well if you insist. A bit of time ago, we were out on an expedition. I was still pretty green at that point, and a lot of my fellow cadets were already dead. When it happened again, I was so frustrated that I kicked a Titan's head. I was so surprised that it weighed next to nothing. After that, I always had an interest in the Titans. Specifically where they came from. I mean, they must've come from somewhere right?" Y/n stared at Hange, as she tried to hide the pain in her voice.

Y/n thoughts: "I suppose, we're not so different Hange. We're both driven by the loss of those around us." Y/n stood up and turned to look at Hange.

Y/n: "I need to get back to camp. Don't want the commandant to tear me a new one."

Hange: *chuckles* "Awww so soon?! I suppose I have to get back to base as well. Don't want to leave Levi all alone." Hange stood up from the step and began to walk down the street. She gave Y/n a wave before disappearing through an alleyway.

Y/n thoughts: "I should watch out for that one. If I'm not careful, she'll easily put two and two together. Still, I don't like doing this, but I must do it. For her, for myself, and for that dick of a father I had. Maybe it's time for me to go back in my past."

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