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I slam my locker shut and head to AP Physics. How the hell am I in AP Physics, I don't know myself. "'Sup", that's Jeremy. "Have you seen Lucas? I can't seem to find him anywhere", Jeremy says while scanning the hallways. "Didn't get a good look at him?", I say and Jeremy's cheeks immediately flush. "You still have a crush on him?" "It's not just a crush, I AM IN LOVE", Jeremy says with an exasperating dreamy look. "That's the third time you've been in love this month", I retort. "But Lucas is just so different!!" whines Jeremy.

He came out as gay last year and he can't stop having a series of "LOVERS". Lucas is his current crush, and Jeremy spends all his time thinking about him. "What do you want him for?" "I'm allowed to look at my crush", Jeremy complains. Goodness, he's so dramatic. I give him a look and he relents. "I sent him a cat video fifteen minutes ago and he hasn't replied yet." His eyes get a sparkle in them as he says this.

My eyes feast on Bianca who's approaching with Lucas at her side. Here's the thing, Lucas is Bianca's best friend since kindergarten. Everyone knows this. So, yeah, that means, we're going to be forced into a lot more proximity if Jeremy and Lucas start dating. "Hey Jeremy, can you please show me your phone? I want to see the team for Basketball this year. My phone's dead," Jeremy looks so relieved like he just saved a puppy. "Yeah, sure" and they both leave. Great. It's me and Bianca alone.


As I and Lucas are wandering in the corridors, we stumbled into Jeremy and Noah! Lucas abandoned me and went ahead with Jeremy. He likes him a lot. They both are so cute together but I can't ignore the fact they left me alone with Noah. I'm pouting as we both wait for each other to initiate conversation. "Hi!" He finally relents. I pump my hand in the air mentally. I know it's childish but that's what Noah reduces me to with his highness' company. "Hi", was all I could say too.

Noah opened his locker and I knew he was purposely trying to find something to avoid the awkwardness. I noticed his locker was filled with roses and cards given to him by girls. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. I don't know what happened, but I caught myself saying "Looks like you're all booked for Valentine's Day." What. The. Fuck. Why did I say that!! I instantly felt the heat rushing to my cheeks.

I regret it immediately. Fuck. This is so embarrassing!! I made the conversation more awkward than it already was. The amused look on Noah's face just made it worse. Before the situation could deteriorate. I make a run for it. Catching a friend's eye, I mumble something about having a "thing". My shame is evident. It's not my brightest moment but I can't do anything about it.

" a nebula is just the remains of a dead star. You know when the sun dies, its outer shell....." At this point, I couldn't identify a word Mr. Smith was saying. Astronomy is my favourite, but for some reason, I can't focus. I was up till four yesterday studying calculus. I need a break. I zone out and don't hear the bell ring.

It's not until Stacey comes up to me and brings me back to reality. "Hey Stacey, you wanna do a girl's sleepover tonight or something?" I ask Stacey because if you want to go wild, Stacey's your girl. "FUCK YES!!! Oh my god, who should we invite?" exclaims a very pumped up Stacey. She's one of the people who never denies anything fun. "Umm let's see- there's Zoey, there's Brenda and Cara! Oh and we can invite Wendy!" We haven't even planned everything, but I'm already excited for tonight. We haven't hung-out together lately, so there's A LOT to gossip and rant about.

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