"I'm good, let's work."


We make it to the lab and I toss my backpack to the side before jumping right into work.

After about an hour, I get a phone call. I pull out my phone answering it. "Hello?"

"Dr. Steele, first patient has arrived." A nurse said.

"I'll be right down." I said hanging up.

"Alright, well it's time to officially start. First patient is downstairs." I said to them.

They take a deep breath before standing up. "Now or never right?" Roman asked and I nod.

"Let's go see if we can cure cancer."

I walk out the lab heading downstairs to the lobby when I see a man and woman in their late 20s.

So young...

"Here she is." The nurse said and they turn around to look at me as I put a big smile on my face.

"Dr. Steele, very nice to meet you." I said shaking their heads.

"I'm McKenna Jones, this is my husband Jerry." She said.

"Nice to meet you both. I'll be doing your procedure today." I said to her and she smiled.

"I'm looking forward to it, truly." She said.

"So am I, so let's get you set up in a room and we'll take it from there."


After getting her set up in a room, I grab a clipboard making my way in there.

"Alright McKenna, why don't you start with when you were diagnosed and what led up to it?" I asked.

"Uh well let's see. I was diagnosed almost a month ago with Stage 4 Melanoma. They told me that I had about 7 months to live, give or take. But I don't want radiation, I've heard so many bad things about it.

And people who actually do go through with it, do it for their family, and not themselves. I want to do something for myself, and I feel like this is what it is. I want to beat this, I want to start a family with my husband." She says almost getting emotional.

I clear my throat looking down. I have to listen to these kind of stories 500 times. 500.

"McKenna listen. I want nothing more right now than for you to get that opportunity to have your family, I swear. So I'm going to do everything in my power to save you, I put that on my life." I said seriously.

She lets a tear fall as she nods quickly. "Thank you."

"Let's get you prepped for surgery."


She's now in the OR and the boys and I are all scrubbing in silently.

I close my eyes mumbling a long prayer as I scrub in. I finish up heading into the OR as they slip gloves on and tie a gown around me.

"Hello everyone." I said walking over to McKenna as she smiles at me.

"Hello Dr. Steele." They said in unison.

"You ready for this?" I asked her and she nods. "More than ready."

Instead of saying my affirmations in my head to my patient AFTER they put them to sleep, for these trials I'm gonna be doing something a little different.

I look her in her eyes memorizing every single feature on her face as she stares at me before I speak.

"I'm gonna do this procedure correctly. And you're gonna be healed and get to go home to your family. Just like I get to go home to my family. Because you deserve that..." I trailed off and she tears up.

She nods slowly and I motion for the anesthesiologist to put her to sleep. He slowly injects it and I start counting down in my head.









"Thank you." She whispered.



"You're welcome." I said right before she closed her eyes.

"McKenna Jones, 27 years old. Patient 1 of 500." I announce and they type it up on the computer.

I look around at everyone until my eyes land on Dr. Avery. He gives me a firm nod and I roll my neck around a few times before returning the nod.

"It's a beautiful day to cure cancer. Let's have some fun."

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