mother Jane

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Brad's pov - a few weeks later.

"Brad, Honey," My mother says, Her voice sounding surprised as she walks over to me before pulling me into a hug.

"Hi Ma, How are you? Where's dad?" I say dropping my backpack on the floor before wrapping my arms around her.

"I'm good, How are you doing? Dad went out with his friends for a bit! What are you doing here? You didn't tell us you were coming!"

"I'm good! I know, I just thought I could surprise you. I have the weekend and the start of next week free so I thought I'd come down. I don't know when I'll be able to come up next."

"Oh that's right, you're shooting that new film aren't you?" She says handing me a glass of water as we take a seat at the dining table.

"Yeah, We start filming in a few weeks which will take about two months then I'm also helping out with post-production so I'm pretty much fully booked for the next few months"

"So we won't see you for the next few months? Brad, I know you've done this before but you usually have a few breaks in between! I don't know if I can cope with not seeing you for a few months."

"I'll have breaks in between I promise to make sure of it! I'll come to visit and stay for as long as I'm able to. I'm actually thinking about taking a break after this one, just some time to focus on myself and the kids for a bit."

"Oh, that's great to hear honey. You've been working so much lately that I just feel like I never see you and the kids anymore. How come they're not here with you?"

"Something about not giving Angie enough notice even though I've been telling her for about 2 weeks now. She said it was too spontaneous and they already have other plans." I say rolling my eyes trying to show my mother my annoyance without having to actually say it.

"It's tough I know. Have you seen the kids recently?"

"I saw them earlier in the week! They stayed over at my house from Monday to Wednesday."

We continue to talk about my situation back at home which is not an easy thing for me to discuss but knowing that my mother only wants what is best for me and my children brings me comfort while talking about how hard things are back home. We haven't really drifted from this subject until something else crosses her mind.

"Oh I forgot to tell you I spoke to Jen a few weeks ago, she said she saw you the night before!"

"You ran into her? Where? I didn't know she left LA!"

"No, I spoke to her over the phone! I called her the day after her birthday to wish her a happy birthday. She said you were at her party and you stayed back after to have a little chat" She said giving me a smirk. I understand right away what she is implying.

"Oh, no mum it was nothing like that. She asked me to stay so we could have a chat, to catch up on those 14 years that we missed out on. Those 14 years we promised to stay friends."

"That's great honey! How did it go? Is everything good between you too now?"

"Everything's good now! We had a very long conversation about, you know, everything that has happened since the divorce, we talking about how everything is doing now and um.." I pause, contemplating whether to tell her about setting boundaries and us agreeing on potentially getting back together if the chance arises.

"And what honey? What were you going to say?" She asks curiously, practically begging me to finish my sentence.

"Okay, but you can't freak out and get all excited." She nods so I continue "We uh, We talked about our expectations for our friendship and setting boundaries. We also talked about letting whatever happens to happen." I take a deep breath after I finish, nervous about her reaction.

"So potentially getting back together? You and Jen are getting back together? Oh, this is great honey!"

"No Ma we aren't getting back together, although we aren't opposed to the idea. It was more of putting the opportunity on the table rather than pushing for it to happen. Please don't go spreading this! I don't want this getting out."

"Honey I would never say anything to anyone! Are you planning on telling your father? I think this is something he needs to know. Oh, he will be so happy, You know how much we love Jen."

"I know she's really great."

We continue to discuss everything about the night at Jen's and pretty much everything else we can think of as I haven't seen my parents in so long. Once my father comes home we all eat dinner together before I leave to go to the house that I bought up here for when I come to visit. The house that Jen and I bought together for when we used to come and visit.

Sitting on the deck with a drink in my hand, reflecting on the past few weeks, all the conversations I've had with Jen and about Jen. Jen, She's been on my mind ever since her birthday. My thoughts get interrupted by the faint sound of my phone ringing in the living room.

"Hey, Jen."

"Hi Bradley"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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