Let's Meet Imaushi Again!

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You didn't know what was going on. Where is Renzo and their parents? Why the Haitani bros are in orphanage? What is Ran's past? What had happened on 27th May?

Y/N : For now I will go to meet Imaushi.

You travelled a long distance and finally reached you destination.

Y/N : Whew~~ I'm here. But..... Which one is his house? Let's ask someone if they know who he is. Oh let's wear a mask so that no one recognises me in future.

Suddenly a thought crossed your mind.....it was

If I could travel in the pasts like in this world, then in real world I would like to stop myself from saving "her".

You were pretty upset. You asked some people there if they knew Wakasa.....but none of them knew him.

In evening.......

You sat in a park there. Just in front of the apartment there. You sat on a bench in the park. You started to mutter to yourself.

Y/N : Would Rindou be okay? Well he is the younger Haitani so he'll be okay. But the youngest Haitani is much reliable then the others. If I notice their names it all starts with "R".
Ran Haitani, Rindou Haitani, Renzo Haitani. Jesu orphanage huh. Let's look for its info on internet. Eh? I forgot that I don't have a phone. I guess I will return tomorrow. I don't have money on me~~~~

Someone had heard all your mutters...

Let's enjoy the night!!!!

You wandered in the streets. Neon lights shinning in the dark alleys.

Y/N : I can't hear Senju in my head. Otherwise she will nag-nag.

At Akashi house......

Senju : Who ish talking theesh much in my head?!
(Who is talking this much in my head)

Takeomi : Eh? Senju? Who are you talking to?

Senju : Shombody ish talking- talking in my head! Senju can't shleep!
( Somebody is talking-talking in my head! Senju can't sleep!)

Takeomi : (mutters) Ah it's something crazy. There, there Senju. Sleep well~~

At your place.......

Y/N : Oh I could meet Shinichiro or Takeomi. They could tell me where he is. You're a genius Y/N!!

Next day.....

You went to the house of Akashi siblings......
You just lurked in the surrounding like a ghost for like 5 hours.
Y/N : I'm beat......Ah~~~~ Where are you Imaushi~~~~?

Somebody tap on you shoulder.

Wakasa : Are you talking about me?

Y/N (inner voice) : Oh my! What the hell! What's with this white hairs! It's just like Jesu's old version. On the top of that........he is so cute~~~~~

Senju : Nii! Shombody ish talking again!!!

Takeomi : It's your imagination.

Y/N : Imaushi Wakasa?

Wakasa : It's me.

Y/N : I'm gonna tell you something unbelievable so hear me out okay.

Wakasa : ...... Why should I?

Y/N : Just listen what I'm going to tell you. You will meet me in 2007. I'm Y/N, your future self told me to tell you everything regarding me. But remember my face and name. We will definitely meet again. Okay then bye~~~~

You went away..........

Wakasa : She was weird. Even if we meet in future, you will look like an old hag.

Y/N (inner voice) : My work is done here.Now "Jesu Orphanage " is the only mystery. But I have no money on me and I'm standing infront of Senju's house. Hah~~~~~ *grumble~~~~* I'm hungry too.

You slept......

^_^ Time skip ^_^

You blinked your eyes. What you saw was unexpected.

Y/N : Eh? Senju?!!!!

Senju : Shud up! Senju'sh ears hurd! (Shut up! Senju's ears hurt!)

Y/N (inner voice) : Senju sure was a runt back then. LoL.

Senju : Who are tu calling a rund? (Who are you calling a runt?)

Y/N : Eh?

Senju : Huh?

Y/N : You can hear me talk through brain?

Senju : Mmh.

Y/N : Woah what the HELL?

From afar...

Takeomi : Senju!

Y/N : Oh now go back Takeomi is looking for you.

You stand up to run but Senju held onto your pant.

Senju : Wait! Here hav thish money. (Wait! Here have this money)

Y/N : Senju..... Ok then! See you in future!!!!

Senju : Noishi... (Noisy)

You went away.....

You saw someone on your way to the station.

You felt a sense of guilt. You approached that person. You put a mask on your face.

Y/N : ........Hiroshi.

Hiroshi : Yes?

Y/N : Listen Hiroshi. Never trust anyone. The world is cruel.

Hiroshi : Hai?

Y/N : Nothing just an advice. Bye~~

You went away.....
Time passed and you finally reached your station.

Y/N : Missed my time. Anyways, let's have a look at "The Orphanage".

You went there.....

Y/N : They all were celebrating some kind of festival, I guess? Oh Rin and Ran isn't here. Are they sleeping?

You observed for quite a while.

Y/N : It looks normal. There is a possibility that he got in fight with others. Well let's sleep cause I don't have anything else to do.

You slept...... You dreamed of the day when you met Jesu.

^_^ Time Skip ^_^

Next day when you woke up.....

Rindou : You are up stupid.

Y/N : This brat!

Rindou nagged you for quite a while.

Y/N : Okay! Just stop now! Nag nag! Now shall we go?

Rindou : Hmph! Follow me!

Y/N : He never learns. I don't want to meet you Ran. I won't meet you again.

Rindou : Are you coming or not?!!!

Y/N : Yes! Coming!

You let the days pass as it is. You never interacted with Ran the entire time.

Y/N (inner voice) :

The day has come!

CAN I SAVE YOU ALL? (Tokyo Revengers X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now