✿long time no see✿

9 1 0

•the passing of time in the future

•to perceive something or someone with the eyes.

-present time
-your pov✦

I had a throbbing headache and the class made it worst. "OI! SHUT THE FUCK UP! EXTRAS! CAN'T YOU SEE THAT (Y/N) HAS HEADACHE?! " bakugou yelled causing the class to shut up.

I turned to face him and whispered a low. "Thank you. " I rubbed my temples to calm the headache. He smiled at me but quickly it faded away "Come here dumbass.. " he whispered, I got up from my desk and walked to him. He pulled me onto his lap I let a low yelp from the sudden action.

He was rubbing my temples softly as he actived his quirk but it was producing smoothing heat. I hummed softly as it felt relaxing my headache was slowly disappearing. "Is it helping? " bakugou asked softly. i let a small "mhm" causing him to chuckled.

The door opened and the chit chat died down again as we saw our sleep deprived homeroom teacher walk in.

He walked over to his desk and dropped his paper work on to the table causing it to create a loud sound I flinched at it bakugou rubbed my back calming me down from my short jumpscare.

"I'm honestly disappointed in y'all. " Aizawa looked blankly at us like we some roaches that he wish he could step on.

" half of y'all fuc──"he stopped him  from cursing. "I mean half of y'all have failed your academic tests that was worth 90% your grade of passing this year! " aizawa groaned as he rubbed his temples.

"Honestly I don't get paid enough.. " he uttered but I think some of us heard him. "I never thought I would see him this mad.. " bakugou whispered in my ear. "Same.. " I replied back to him.

Aizawa gave Iida the tests and told him to hand them out. I anxiously waited for my paper. "Hah! 98% I fucking passed! " bakugou proudly smirked I gave him a small clap. I was tapping my feet as anxious slowly built. finally my paper was given to me.

My smiled grew wider as I saw my grade. "99%?!" I muttered to myself I got a A+. Ihappily squealed I turned around and slam my paper on bakugou's desk. "Beat that dumbass! " I smirked at him.

He picked my paper and looked over it his mouth open slightly. "This must be fucking fake! " I gasped at his words. "It's not! " I pouted

"I beated the great katsuki bakugou by 1%! " I smiled at him. "Yeah yeah! " he returned the gesture by smiling back at me.

Bakugou has always been there for me ever since touya died. Sometimes I use to get panic attacks and bakugou was there to help to get through them.. No one else knew about them expect him.

Bakugou katsuki, the hot-headed dumbass is my best friend. I smiled at my thought.

What you think about soft bakugou?! And no this isn't the end of chapter 2 this is just short author note!

It was pretty late as I walking back home alone since  Kats-kun (nickname??) ditched me for brand practice. I rolled my eyes.

I walked into a dark alley my anxiety was building up again as I felt like something or someone was watching me. I pulled out my phone and started to dial kats-kun but before I could press call button someone grabbed both of my wrists holding them with a tight grip and with their other hand used to cover my mouth stopping me from shouting for help.

"Why such a pretty girl like you out here so late? ~" I could hear that he sounded drunk. I hate the fact that I couldn't my quirk to help me cause I needed voice but right now I can't even breathe properly.

"I'll let you go only if you.... " he still mid sentence thinking of something. "If you give me a kiss. " he whispered in my ear I felt disgusted and dirty at that moment I wished kats-kun was here.

"What do you say──"

"I say you let her go and I might spare you. " the voice was raspy and kinda husky.

"And why would I do that? " the drunkard was slowly becoming irradiated.

"Cause I could burn you to fucking ashes" he said walking in closer his features more visible. 'Who is this guy? I am going to die?!'

"Oh really? " the drunkard pride is just disgusting actually..burn me as well.

Instead of replying he stretched his hand out and large blue flame coming out of his hand. 'That's.. Kinda... Hot- the flames! Not him ok (Y/N) focus! This is a matter of life or death moment! ' I thought to myself

The drunkard slowly let go of my wrists I whined as they were sore from his tight grip. I quickly ran and stood behind the guy who saved me from this drunkard.

"Good but I lied I won't actually spare you. " he smirked as the drunkard face shown fear and panic. "B-but you said───"

"I know what i said but I enjoy watching people like you fucking burn to damn ashes! " he said walking towards the drunkard.

"W-wait we can talk about this! " the drunkard was waving his hands in front of his face.

He stopped walking and looked over his shoulder staring at me. "Spare or kill? " he asked, I thought for moment and remembered the way he whispered in my ear.

"Kill." I said blankly, he smirked at me and turned his attention back to the tumbling drunkard. "You heard the lady. " he lifted his hand and aimed at the guy.

Large cyan flames setting the drunkard on flames .'I know I should ne scared or something but actually I feel delighted. 'I smiled a sadistic smile

Soon the screams died down and nothing was left expect ashes. He turned around and walked over to me.

Our heights are different, I reached by his shoulders. I took a step back and looked at him properly. He was skin was covered with purple and staples holding them in place. "Are you okay princess? " the mysterious guy who saved me just now and burnt some horny drunk asshole to crisps asked me if I'm okay.. Is he high or something!? I'm not okay obviously.

"Yeah.. I'm okay, thanks" I just lied to this guy who could probably kill me as well. I mentally slapped myself. "Mm'hm" he gave me a look literally saying 'as if I'll believe that but whatever 🙄'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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