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Kendall and Logan Schmidt walked into the orphanage on a Saturday morning. The couple had been married for about two years now. Kendall was a teacher at a local high school in Los Angeles and Logan was a doctor. Because of Logan's well paying job, the couple was pretty wealthy and had a large house with a few fancy cars. Money was really no issue. Yet, the couple started to feel as though something was missing. It was Kendall who brought the subject up.

"Hey Logy" he said as the couple laid in bed one morning. "Honey, I want kids." Logan stopped reading and looked up. He smiled at Kendall.

"Me too." The two shared a pretty lengthy kiss. "There's an orphanage around here and I've looked into it. I have the number, should we call?" Kendall of course agreed and so the two of them called. After a long application process, the couple was finally matched with a child. His name was Liam. It really was a cute name. Liam was just eighteen months. After a few home visits, more meetings, and waiting, today was the day the couple would meet their new son.

"Good morning," Karen, the director of the orphanage, said. "You must be excited!"

"Hi Karen. Oh yes, quite excited" Kendall answered. Karen motioned for the couple to follow her and led them into a room down the hall. Inside the room, a small boy sat on the couch clutching a stuffed dog with another woman sitting next to him. "Liam" Karen spoke as they entered. "These are the two men who'd like to take you home with them. Can you say hello?"

"Hi" Liam spoke quietly. The boy clutched his stuffy closer to him as his eyes went downwards. Kendall and Logan crouched down.

"Hello, I'm Kendall. This is Logan. Are you Liam?" The boy giggled a bit.

"How you know my name?" Liam giggled.

"Well Liam, we'd been hearing all about you sweetheart. We're really excited to be taking you home" Logan said.

"I go live in a house?" Liam asked, rather cutely the husbands might add. Kendall smiled.

"Yeah Liam, would you like that?" Kendall asked still crouched down.

"Never been to a house. Always wanted a house." Logan softly and and rather sadly smiled although he made sure to hide his hint of sadness.

"Well, now you will have your own house" Logan told the boy who looked a little shocked.

"Oh" Liam said, but in true toddler fashion he immediately blurred out his next thoughts.

"You be daddy and mommy?" Kendall and Logan's smiles were a lot wider after that question.

"Well, you have two daddies now sweetheart. You can call one of us Daddy and the other Papa."

"Which one Daddy and which one Papa?" Liam asked.

"That's up to you sweetheart," Logan spoke. Liam seemed to think for a minute before he pointed to Kendall.

"You be Daddy" Liam then pointed to Logan. "You be Papa." Kendall and Logan both had tears in their eyes as they hugged Liam. They were fathers now. They had a son now. The two of them were heavily emotional. Five years ago, when they met none of this had ever seemed possible. After dating for three years, Kendall proposed and they got married months later with a huge family wedding. Now, here they were hugging their own son. Karen broke the silence after a few minutes.

"Well as soon as you sign the papers, you're free to take Liam home." Kendall and Logan exchanged a look, smiling at each other. They were really doing this.

"Let's get signing then" Kendall said, Logan nodded along in agreement. The woman next to Liam stood up.

"Why don't I take the little one to change his diaper and pack his stuff up while you two sign." The fathers both agreed and so she picked Liam up.

"We'll see you in a few minutes Liam" Kendall said as he kissed the boy's forehead. Logan repeated Kendall's actions before the women exited. The couple waited a few minutes before Karen returned with the paperwork. Kendall and Logan smiled at each other once more, a move that they seemed to be making a lot today before signing away. Although it was a lengthy process, the two were overcome with emotion when they finally finished signing.

"Congratulations, you two are now parents of Liam Schmidt."

With Family Nothing Even Mattersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें