I see. It is the truth. There's a lot of idols below me who lick their fans feet and are nothing but dolls to them. They rise in popularity because of it. That's why he's in such a hurry to change my style. I don't really have a say in this. They'll just keep writing music and making outfits that are similar to those of "cutesy idols".

"This meeting is over. I'll see you at your next show. Mystery x. Or should I say, Caramelo." "You really piss me off." Y/n grumbled while clicking the leave button with her mouse. The girl sat there for a moment, getting lost in her thoughts. In truth, she was exhausted. Not only did they change her style without checking in with her first, they also made a promotional video that depicted a completely different person. "I don't feel like doing this anymore." She sighed.

At her next show, Y/n didn't feel the music at all. She felt like she lost her passion trying to be something she wasn't just to fill her producer's pockets. But she continued for as long as she could trying to find the same passion again. But, she couldn't no matter what she did.

After countless painful meetings and practices becoming Y/n's daily routine, she felt she just didn't feel anything towards music like she had previously. The demon tried desperately to bring back her passion, but she immediately lost motivation or didn't have enough energy to do so.

"Y/n! You're in the number one spot for top 10 best idols!" The demon's producer exclaimed excitedly. Y/n looked at her producer angrily and threw the new outfit her team had made in his face. "I quit." Y/n told him with a stern voice. The producer held the short shorts in his hand along with the list of idols names. He looked at Y/n flabbergasted. The atmosphere felt tense. "Our income is skyrocketing! You can't quit now!" The producer shouted throwing the outfit on the couch to his right. "Your income." Y/n corrected crossing her arms and eyeing the outfit. "Did you guys really plan on sending me out there with a bikini?" Y/n questioned casting a spell and burning the outfit.

"I quit. Find some other cow to milk." The demon snorted picking up her guitar case, which contained the guitar inside. The producer watched Y/n leave out the doors and sighed. "You had potential. But of course, there's always someone better than you. Replacing you won't be hard at all. After all there's idols who will do anything for a bit of validation. You didn't need validation, you just wanted fun, but idols who seek fun and happiness, can't be called idols." The producer said to himself looking at the burnt outfit. "But even so, what kind of outfit is that?" He questioned scrunching up his nose.

"Is that really what demons think is sexy? They're out of their minds.." He mumbled.

Y/n ran away as far as she could from the building. Even if she felt her lungs clenching she didn't stop running. She didn't want that second hell building in her sight. Demons walked along the streets ignoring her presence. Most of them didn't know who she was. Nearly falling after tripping on a can littered on the sidewalk, Y/n cursed under her breath and kicked the can over a fence.

She approached the fence slowly as her feet started to ache from running so far. Leaning back on the yellow fence, she took deep breaths. Even if it was midnight, there were still demons everywhere. Lights from small shops and cafe's could be seen in the distance. The moon shined brightly even with so many lights. Y/n took it all in. Being caged inside a huge apartment without being able to go out unless it was with her producer, sucked. He had a one hour limit for each thing she did, and he forced her on a strict diet.

The chatter and footsteps of demons faded as they parted to their destinations. There were only a few demons standing or walking around now. The street light flickered catching random bugs with it's light. "Gross.." Y/n muttered as a bug fell to it's death next to her. She looked at it and mumbled, "I wish you were the producer right now though." Y/n snorted and started laughing slightly.

She sighed and decided to admire the moon for a bit. "The sky is gloomy, but the moon makes it look beautiful." Y/n spoke to herself. "One compliments the other. If there was no sky the moon would look plain, and if there was no moon, the sky would look hideous." She laughed watching shops close for the night. "But it is beautiful." She said sitting on the fence and hugging her guitar case. "Man, I feel so empty."

Y/n stayed in that position for a bit until the wind shifted moving her hair and picking up small leaves. "Demons really are cruel." She muttered. At the beginning she had full support, but now no one was there to encourage her. They broke their promises. Y/n didn't mind being alone. In fact, she felt she was better off that way. She was independent after all. The idea that demons could leave you so easily, however, made her blood boil. Y/n looked at the sky one last time and decided she'd buy a small but cozy apartment.

After her purchase was ready, she bought as much comfortable clothes she could and slept for three days. For the next few weeks, she tried bringing her passion back by doing the things she had previously. But it didn't matter how much she strummed her guitar. If one chord sounded wrong she instantly gave up. It wasn't until a month in that she decided to give up. Nothing felt the same and nothing could bring it back, or so she thought.

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