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And so, she sang him a song. I will always love you.
I know, a song about how she's not perfect enough for him when really he isn't perfect enough for her. Whatever, it was a beautiful performance really. But, anyways, back to the story.
So after she sang this really beautiful song to Ed Earl, she looked at him.
"I know you're gonna get your dream. And I know you're gonna do a real good job in the legislature." The night that they had both went out after Ed Earl had yelled at Melvin when he was in town, Ed Earl had told Mona about his dream. And she had told him about an old dream of hers too. He wanted to be in the legislature, she wanted to be a ballerina.

"But if you was to marry me..." Mona trailed off.
"I love you. I don't give a damn about what other people say." Ed Earl replied bitterly.
He snatched one of her bags and walked out of there.

"Hey!" David called as he threw it into her truck. "What are you doing?"
"I'm taking her with me."
"I didn't know you made up! That's good!" David smiled.

"We didn't."

David frowned. He walked over to Ed Earl and snatched his arm as he began to walk back to the house.
"Ed Earl, she said no. No means no. Get over it, it will take some time but you have to understand that." David told him in a low voice. "Please."
"Oh, David. Let him go." David looked up to see Mona standing at the door. "I'm goin' with him."
David smiled and let go of Ed Earl. "Hey! I'll help you." David called to him as they went into the house. And so, they put all of the bags into the back of his truck.
"Oh Mona, it has been a pleasure knowing you." David beamed.
"You too, David."
"And Ed Earl, I'm glad to have known you also." Even if they clashed a bit.
"You too, partner." He smirked and patted him on the shoulder.
Mona embraced him warmly and David did the same.

They let each other go and saw that behind them, Melvin stood there.
"Oh well look who it is." Mona spat coldly.
David spun around. "Oh..."

"I suppose you've came here to uh, see all the girls leave for yourself? Well it's too bad, because they all are gone now. Except Mona, she's comin' with me." Ed Earl took her hand. "We're gettin' married."
"I want to talk to David." Melvin mumbled.

"Well, I don't want to talk to you, Melvin." David said calmly. "If it's that you are sorry, no you aren't. You're only using that so you could get close to me again. I don't want to hear it, Melvin."
Mona sighed and looked over at Ed Earl, who was eating a bowl of cheerios.

"Ed Earl, now is not the time to be eating your cheerios!" Mona huffed.

"I wanna make the last day here a little bit more interesting, Mona." Ed Earl gazed at the boarded up house as Melvin and David started yelling at each other. It was a fine house, really. And good sized too. It was now the holder of many, many memories and the lives of many, many people.
When Ed Earl had finished gazing off at the house for one final time (along with eating his cheerios), he looked over at David and noticed Melvin was gone.

"Where's he off to?" Ed Earl asked.

"Nevermind him, Ed Earl. I hope you and Mona make it, and I hope you get into the legislature too. I'll miss you both very much. " he smiled at them.
"Maybe one day, honey, we will see each other again." Mona nodded.

"Or maybe in another life."

Mona laughed and hopped into the truck along with Ed Earl.

"Goodbye, David." Mona waved.
"So long, partner. It's been good having you around." Ed Earl grinned and tipped his hat.
"It's been good having you around too." And with that, they drove off as David waved them goodbye.

Now that Ed Earl was gone, Fred was the new sheriff in town. Melvin had gotten almost everything that he wanted, he had gotten The Chicken Ranch shut down, but he didn't get David's forgiveness. Miss Mona and Ed Earl got married so they got what they wanted. David ended up moving to Londom again to continue his career and him and Mick became friends again, so, he has gotten something he wanted.
During the Serious Moonlight tour, David did see Mona and Ed Earl again. They were doing well, amd so was David. And Mona was happy to see that David had kept that suit that he was wearing after all these years. 

And the people of Texas, you could say they got what they wanted.
Another ledgend, the ledgend of The Chicken Ranch.

But nobody couldn't help but wonder what had happened to each of those girls, it would be nice to know...

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𝑫𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒅 𝑩𝒐𝒘𝒊𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑹𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒉Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora