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"Now that you're back, would you care to give me an interview now, Sheriff?" Melvin asked in a condescending manner.

"I am gonna give you 30 seconds, you fancified fart." Ed Earl growled. "Get you and your singin' chorus the hell outta town!"

"Now wait a minute-" Ed Earl waved his hand to get the cameramen to back away from him. "And get all those cameras and the rest of your crap off the street! You're blockin' traffic!"

"The only traffic we are blockin'..." Melvin looked towards the crowd that had grew a bit. "is that headed towards The Chicken Ranch." He then turned his head towards Ed Earl and gave him a slight smile, squinting his eyes. "Right....Sheriff?..."

"Little fat buddy..." Ed Earl began lowly. " Up to now, You've got three tickets. One for paradin' without a license, another for insultin' me, and a third one for puttin' you're nasty hands on me!"

"And David!" Fred chirped

"Oh, right, and David too."

The smirk fell from Melvin's face, and his eyes became smaller as he squinted at Ed Earl. "The only nasty hands right here, right now, is yours and that's of your Deputy!" Melvin bellowed as his finger pointed right at David. He now saw it as the perfect chance to distract Ed Earl from himself. At that moment, Mona appeared right beside Fred and David and she glanced around so she could figure out what was going on. The only things Mona needed to see was Melvin and his cameras to figure out what was going on. And it angered Mona, but it also had hurt her too. "And there's David's whore right there!" Melvin had hollered at the crowd. "There she is, right there, Ed Earl!" As if he was telling on David. David clenched his teeth together in anger and glared hard and cold at Melvin. Melvin could feel David's glare. His piercing glare. But he just made sure to not look at him. He knew what he was doing was wrong and was a lie.

"What the hell?!" Ed Earl spun around to look at them both. "Mona, you lied to me! You told me you haven't seen anybody else since we have been together."

"Ed Earl Dodd, are you seriously gonna believe him?!" Mona hollered in disbelief.

"Oh Yes he should. Because I can not at all tell a lie!" Melvin boasted.

 "You just did!" David's voice cracked as he yelled, slowly beginning to snap. Ed Earl turned around and slowly approached Melvin. "Now, you better get that travellin' circus out of town or I'm gonna lock you up so fast your corset's gonna pop!" Ed Earl growled at him.

"Oh yeah? Please...." Melvin snickered as he shoved Ed Earl out of the way. He walked towards some cameras as he spoke to Ed Earl. "we are perfectly within' the law. As a newsman, I have first Amendment rights. Get this." He stood tall in front of the cameras in front of him. "The public has a right to know what is goin' on out there and what kind of pay-off you're acceptin' to protect that notorious house of ill repute." He announced, smiling. "Ooh!" The crowd went. Melvin turned around and his smile quickly faded into a frown and a glare as he looked at Ed Earl. Slowly and steadily, Ed Earl stepped down and walked on over to Melvin.

 "First thing...First thing is you're standin' in Lanville County. Which from my figurin', is about 100 miles west of that stinkhole you call Houston. So I can't see it's any of your business what goes on out here."

"oh yeah?..." Melvin growled at him. Ed Earl swatted his shoulder suddenly which made him jump.

"Number two...You ain't the law around here and I am. So don't be tellin' me what my damn job is or i'll whip your butt so bad it'll look like the strips on a barber pole."

"Get him sheriff!" A boy yelled.

"He may be mean, but he's ours!" His mother joined in.

"Ed Earl, don't do anything stupid!" Mona advised.

"Number three...No sawed off little pecker is gonna accuse me of takin' a bribe and live to tell about it because I wear the badge in this county. So you listen and you listen good you over-padded, televisin' turd!" His voice now becoming more of a yell. "If I ever see you or any of those little bastards that work for you again in my town, I'm gonna knock you so flat you're gonna to roll down your socks to shit!"

As the crowd talked some more, he slipped his gun out of his holder which was on his belt. He pointed it towards the sky as Melvin backed away more, and Ed Earl followed.

"So get out of here you you God damned, wig wearin', son of a bitch!" He bellowed one final time before firing a shot. It scared Melvin and made him fall into the fountain that stood behind him. Melvin screamed and hollered as the crowd ran away. Melvin flailed around the fountain, carrying many vines that were in the fountain with him as David ran the opposite direction, away from the crowd,and towards Melvin. He pushed past Ed Earl who looked at David in disbelief. "What in God's name are you doing David?!" He hollered as David jumped into the fountain. He reached for Melvin's arm put Melvin saw him and kicked the back of his leg quickly, making David fall into the water with a splash as Ed Earl began to help David out of it. "Move, you schmuck!" Melvin yelled as he ran towards his van and hurled himself into it. "Move it! Come on! Get outta here! Move this thing!"

As they drove away in a rush, Melvin hollered at Ed Earl.

"You son of a bitch! You'll pay for this! You're in in trouble, you sumbitch sheriff!"

Ed Earl looked on at the van as it drove away. "so long partner." He smoothly said as he put the gun back in its holder. The crowd came out from where they were hiding, smiling and clapping for Ed Earl and his victory. Ed Earl quickly forgot about David and began to take in the praise he was getting from everybody as Mona and Fred helped David out. David sighed and shook his head sadly as he thought of Melvin.

𝑫𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒅 𝑩𝒐𝒘𝒊𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑹𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒉Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon