Chapter 3 - Jupiter

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It's 4:30 pm, Caine is watching the clinic from a nearby building. Catherine should be arriving soon, just so long as the other hunters don't show up. I can grab her and bring her to Titus and get my life back, get my wings back and forget about the woman I've been hired to find. Caine's thought drift back to her scent. What is so special about her? She's just a Terrsie.

Caine's head turns in the direction of one of the clinic windows.


"Catherine, Catherine Dunlevy?" A nurse says looking into the waiting room.
A young woman with long dark hair looks up and answers hesitantly. "Yes."

"The doctor will you see you now."

Inside the doctors office, she lays down on the exam table while the doctors explain the process about to be performed.

Catherine, whose real name was actually Jupiter, wondered whether she was crazy for selling her eggs. For years though, she had saved her money to buy a telescope like the one her father had; the one that had cost him his life; the one that had changed everything for Jupiter. After all that scrimping and saving, her goal was still beyond reach, this seemed the only option left to a young woman who was not only uneducated but an illegal alien, as well.

Trying to stay calm was not easy. Jupiter's breathe became quicker and shallower when all of a sudden the doctor and nurses strapped her ankles and wrists to keep from moving. This isn't right, she thought as she fought against the restraints.


The muffled sounds of a panicked woman brings the hair on his neck up to a standing position. Caine, who has now made his way into the clinic, sniffs the air. He can smell her, she's in one of the exam rooms. She's not alone, but they don't smell human.

"Keepers." He mutters as he strains to hear their words. Ignoring the other sounds and voices in the clinic he focuses on their voices.

"It's her." says a female voice.

"Good, kill her." the male voice orders.

"Crap." Caine says jumping into action. Pulling out his weapon, his grav-boots firing, Caine crashes through the door and takes out two of the keepers disguised as doctors, just as they are changing back into their original shape.

One of the slender grey aliens scurries up a wall to avoid the lazer blasts. Clinging the ceiling, the alien lunges to attack Caine but Caine whirls around and fires as the alien is in midair.

Using his grav-boots, he skates around the room and taking out the remaining keepers as he goes.

Ripping off her restraints and breathing mask, Caine picks up Jupiter making sure she is still unharmed.

"Who are you?" she asks weakly.

"Caine Wise, I'm here to help." Caine says in his gravelly voice as she slips into unconsciousness.

With Jupiter unconscious, he takes her to an abandoned warehouse in downtown Chicago. Gently laying her down he brushes a strand of hair from her face. She looks so peaceful. Pausing a moment, he takes his gun from the holster and lays it on the ground next to her.

Next he notifies Titus' people that he has found the woman he was sent for. The nearest ship will be there in about 12 hours. Settling down to wait, Caine watches Jupiter's even breathing as she sleeps off the sedatives from the clinic.

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