🌸Bruno x Reader Fluff🌸

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  Requested by MyeyeshurtUWU. I love Bruno and his breasticles so much, so thank you for requesting. In this, you aren't in his gang, but you're in a relationship with Bruno and you're cool with his gang. This includes spoilers regarding Polnareff. Btw, this takes place after part 5, but nobody is dead.

  You were on the balcony, sipping from your glass. You looked down to the city sights, the night sky and the street lights illuminating everything perfectly. It felt like a scene in a movie you had watched before, especially with the way you idly swirled your drink in the glass while your hair blew in the wind calmly. Everything would be perfect, except for the fact that you had lost your husband, Bruno Bucciarati, in the midst of the party.

  You had your phone on you, so you weren't too worried, but you wanted to see his glorious face and subtly huff his cologne. You looked down to your ring fondly, enjoying how it shimmered in the moonlight. You finished your drink, now holding an empty glass in your dominant hand and you looked behind you to watch a few party goers pass by. You grew bored and a little lonely, seriously wanting to be graced with your husband's presence. You thought back to the moments you both shared fondly, a calm smile growing on your face.

  For example, the first time you both went on a date, Bruno didn't really have a clue as to what he was doing, so he had his gang members dress up as waiters and hide behind the pillars to help him. He was an utter mess, unable to keep his eyes away from you. He found you absolutely breathtaking and he knew it wouldn't be wise to get into a relationship while being in a gang, since people would target you if word got out. However, he simply couldn't lose you to anybody else, his heart wouldn't take it.

  On the day he proposed to you, he had his gang members help out by making the scene perfect. Fugo, Narancia, and Mista were to keep others away from the spot and Abbacchio, Giorno, and Trish were tasked to make the scene perfect. The moment was ruined because Mista and Narancia were barking at people a few yards away, just as Bruno was going to start the speech he prepared. Then, Abbacchio started to snore behind a rock close by, cutting Bruno off once again. You connected the dots, finding it adorable that his gang helped him make the scene as best they could so he could propose without interference. He finally managed to propose to you, deciding to just ignore everything. As he slipped the engagement ring around your finger, Giorno and Trish started to clap, unceremoniously waking up Abbacchio.

  Your wedding day was as perfect as it could be. All of Bruno's gang showed up, which also included a turtle with the spirit of a man inside, named Jean-Pierre Polnareff. It was fairly quaint, though everyone had a nice time. As soon as you started to think about how nicely your honeymoon went, you felt and a hand gently grasp your own, your fingers intertwining. You went to jerk your hand away, only to be met with your husband. You sighed in relief as he kissed your hand, looking at you lovingly. "Darling, what are you doing out here? It's cold, you'll get sick."

  You then noticed how cold it had gotten. "I just needed some fresh air, that's all," you responded, still holding your empty glass. Bruno hums in acknowledgement, nodding once before wrapping his arm around your waist. "Come, let's go inside. You know, the others have been asking about you," he chuckles a little, his arm still around your waist as he started to lead you to where his little gang was.

  You knew that Bruno was a capo, the leader of his little group. You knew the boys and Trish quite well, though you'd only met them a few times. You knew all about them, mostly from stories provided by Bruno himself. You both almost had a sort of ritual where Bruno would tiredly tell you about what hijinks went on that day while in bed together.

  Eventually, his rambunctious crew came into view. You knew they were sure to see you eventually, though that might take a bit, considering the crowd. You fixed yourself up, as the wind outside surely messed with your attire. Once Bruno's gang noticed you, you stopped fidgeting with your clothes and calmly waved, prepared to be bombarded with teasing questions about Bruno and how we was in private, typically by Mista and Narancia. You never tired of the hilarity that would ensure, so you didn't dislike the questions. They were family to Bruno, and so they were family to you.

  Narancia was the first to see you, waving and hurrying to you. "Hey! Mrs. Bucciarati! So, what were you two doing on the balcony? What took so long?" He whined, but then awaited your response with a grin. Bruno sighs beside you, quickly catching on. "Narancia, we would never do something like that here, especially not on the balcony." Narancia howled im laughter, having embarrassed his capo once again.

  After a long while, you grew tired as the party came to a close. As everyone was saying their goodbyes and going home, Bruno took his jacket off and put it on you, as you both were going to be walking back home. You looked to him, a little confused. "You were shivering, amore mio," he states, he lips slightly turned upwards. You adjust the jacket a little, thanking him as he placed his arm back around your waist.

I might make a prequel part 2 a.k.a. the honeymoon, but I'm not sure. I might change/add bits to it later or edit it, but I want to at least push something out right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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