Chapter 2

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sorry it took so long to get another chapter out lol, havent had much ti e or ideas, doing the boring middle parts are always the worst part of storys/hj

Technoblade walked through the populated town, it seemed friendly and alive. The people seemed so different from one another, from dragons, to mermaids, to humans, and no one tried to fight him, or looked at him weird. He felt more relaxed, like he didn't need to constantly be on guard. He eventually found himself at a hotel 'it would be nice to sleep in a bed for once, what do you guys think?' Techno thought, asking the voices, they replied by repeating the words in his sentence. Techno chuckled as he opened the door.

There at the front desk stood a centaur creeper man, the whites of his eyes black and the rest white, he seemed to be physically strong yet kind, his outfit was casual but presentable, a black button up and his hair styled neatly. The man standing next to him seemed to be human, well except for his robotic arm, he had a mask that covered all but his eyes, compared to the other man he wasn't as physically strong nor well dressed, he had a black hoodie and white slacks.

The creeper spoke "hello! Welcome to the lemon tree hotel! What can I do for you?".

Techno walked up to the counter "how much for a room here?" He took out a bag full of gold coins. "Just five coins please" the creeper smiled. Technoblade handed them five coins, and in exchange the human handed him a room key "room 24, have a nice stay!" the human said.

Techno walked up the stairs till he found his room, he opened the old wood door and walked in. It was small but nice, a bed big enough to fit two people, a desk with a candle, and lanterns to brighten up the room if needed.

He sat on the bed as it squeaked under him, he sighed and fell back with his arms spread, Techno looked up at the ceiling, it felt so good to be in a bed.

After a while of resting he decided he would go walk around town again to look for something to eat, he came across a cafe, the smell of bread and cake lured him closer.

As the door opened, the bell above it rang, he stepped in and looked around, the place was warm and inviting. a human girl standing at the counter, her hair was a bright pink, two streaks of hair on opposite ends of her face being an off white color, she had a lightly colored purple sweater that was covered by an apron, she smiled as Techno walked up to the counter.

"Hello sir! Is there anything I can get you today?" She brought up a pen and small note book, ready to take his order. Techno looked at the options for a moment before speaking "mm... yeah.. Can I get coffee, milk and sugar in it, a scone, and a muffin please?" he began to take out his bag of gold.

"Mhm, can I get you anything else?" she said while writing

"no thank you, just that" Techno stated

"Alright, that will be six gold coins" she finally put down the pen and paper and looked at Techno, he took out six coins and softly dropped them into her hand. "You can go ahead and sit over there, i'll be right with over with your coffee and pastries" she pointed to the seats over by the window

He silently walked over and sat down, looking out the window.

"You will never find him, you are stuck with us forever" the voices spoke

"You will kill people you grow to love"

"It will happen again"

"You can't escape us Technoblade~"

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