Waking up in a Strange New World

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Izuku POV:

I woke up in total darkness I was wearing my hero costume with my respirator on so I had clean air. It looked like I somehow ended up under a tone of rubble I would just lift it off but I was kind of pinned and my quirk was feeling weird. "Okay the last thing I remember is," I whispered to myself "is fighting and defeating Tomura Shigaraki, maybe that building collapsed on me." Suddenly there was a stream of light in the darkness.

"Hey you okay in there I saw you fall from way up high," a older voice said I didn't recognize it. "I'll have you out in a jiffy so remain calm," He called and continued to move the rubble.

"Don't worry I have a respirator you can take your time if you need to," I called up to him.

"Oh shit another Yoju is here hey bud I think I got you exposed enough you okay to climb out?" the man asked me.

"You being attacked up there?" I asked him.

"Yeah I am staring at a Yoju that's about 200 meters away," He said. "Oh shit, it noticed me its charging ..." In that moment I felt my quirk surge just enough for me to free myself. I burst out of the rubble scaring the man behind me as the rubble collapsed and he fell a bit. I saw before me an ugly fungus looking thing charging us. I cocked my arm back and charged my quirk up preparing to unleash an attack to defend us, the beast reached us.

"Detroit Smash!" I yelled unleashing the attack and obliterating the beast. I turned around and looked at the man behind me, "You okay" I said walking up and helping him to his feet.

"You a Division Officer then, though why are you in this get up?" He asked me.

"Division Officer?" I asked then I noticed I wasn't where I fought Shigaraki I was in a different city. There where piles of destroyed beasts everywhere, "I need something to eat and I would prefer to explain myself and ask questions in private, But first who are you?"

"I am Kafka Hibino and I guess we can go to my place I can whip you up something," the man said offering me his hand. I shook it and only now noticed his features he had dark spiky hair and green eyes he was giving me an amazing smile.

 I shook it and only now noticed his features he had dark spiky hair and green eyes he was giving me an amazing smile

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--- This is the closest thing I could find to him smiling sorry ---

Time Skip

We went to his apartment and he set me up with a very nice meal Hamburgers and we sat down and began to talk about a lot of things. "Okay so who are you?" He asked me first after swallowing his first bite.

"Right I promised you an explanation," I said after swallowing my bite. "My name is Izuku Midoriya and I am a pro hero. After waking up here and seeing that, thing what ever you called it, I deduced I might not be in my Japan anymore. Especially with all the dead things in that area."

"You're a, Pro Hero? So what was that you used on that Yoju?" Kafka asked me chewing on a small bite.

"I used one of my quirks, although I can't really feel them now. I am a little concerned about that." I said that last part more to myself.

"What's a quirk?" He asked "to me it looked like you used one of those division suits that increase you strength."

"In my universe around 80% of the world's population has a fantastic ability called we call a quirk," I said having finished my burger. "These powers can range from super strength, speed, any thing really. We all get them around the age of 4 though in my case I was a very late bloomer. Now I'd like to know more about this world start with those things please."

"Oh sure can do," He said having finished his meal himself. "See in this world we have had to deal with monster of a giant classification since around the Meireki era. The Division I mentioned earlier is referring to the Japanese Anti Kaiju Defense Force. They use suits now a days along with specially made weaponry to fight the Kaiju and kill them. The suits use Kaiju parts to release more power and leveling the playing field for us humans."

"Okay explain more about these Kaiju please?" I asked him.

"Gladly, Kaiju can be broken down into three classifications the first two and the simplest are called Honju and Yoju," He said. "Honju are usually the biggest and most powerful Kaiju, they also generate or gather Yoju, they usually measure in at a fortitude of 6.0 and above. Yoju are weaker and smaller than Honju usually accompanying and assisting them in various things. In rare cases Yoju can also be of Honju class but they will still be weaker than the Honju using them."

"You mentioned three classifications, what is the third class?" I asked him.

A grave expression rose to Kafka's face, "The last Classification is the most dangerous, Daikaiju class." He said grimly. "Daikaiju will always be in and beyond the level of the Honju, in some cases they bring with them Yoju who can also reach the Honju class. A Honju is Classified as a Daikaiju if their power surpasses a fortitude of 8.0. Diakaiju often prefer to work alone but as stated earlier can have Yoju under their command."

"I think I understand now," I said looking up from a notebook I was writing in. "So with all the information you know of you must be one of these division officers right?" I asked.

"No that was my dream a long time ago, I know all of that because of that dream and because of my job as a member of one of the clean up crews." He explained to me.

"Well with my instincts it would probably be the best thing for me to try and do," I said walking off and sitting on his couch. "But first I need rest and to set up information of my existence in this universe?"

"Oh yeah well, here let me call my boss and get tomorrow off and we'll go and get that taken care of together." Kafka offered taking up his phone calling his boss.

"Thanks for everything Kafka your a big help," I said then passed out on the couch.

"No problem kid," was the last thing I heard from him.

That was nearly a year ago now, haven't found a way home and Kafka talked me into working with him before applying to the Defense force. I use my respirator at work cause it works so much better than any of the ones they offer, been thinking of trying to mass produce it for funds. Oh looks like they almost have that Honju taken down almost time to go to work. Oh yeah and I still haven't been able to access my quirk to its fullest all I seem able to manage is around 2x my physical strength it comes in handy every now and again. Besides 2x my physical strength is still pretty damn strong I can take down some Yoju with it. My other quirks are still present though suppressed like most of my strength.

The Defense Force's Hero (MHA X Kaiju No. 8)Where stories live. Discover now