100 years since the Revolution

Start from the beginning

From 1947 to 1957 Saw radical swift in Our Nation, Politically, Economically and Socially, Vasily seized control of Russia from Stalin and implemented Major reforms that have seen the Slavic people liberated from the oppression of which they lived under for so long, Vasily Gave us Education, Cars, Money, Freedom of expression and thought, He Made us who we are today, Not only in Us, But in All members of The Moscow Pact, Democratic Socialism Had left it's mark on the Russian Union, But Those were only Internal Matters, The Cold had just begun, leaving us, in a Grim state to fight for the workers of the entire globe in such a state.

But fear not for 1957 to 1967 was a Decade of Great technological advancement of Space and Earthly devices, Missiles, Rockets and Color TV Became available, The standard of Living to the average Person became much better, One would be correct to boast, that The times were great, But one must not forget the Cuban missile crisis, The Arms and Space race and our Nation being now at odds with china. Those 10 years were hard on us all, We had yet to fully recover from WW2, But here we were, trying to prevent the workers from Oppression.

1967 until 1977 was a Great Decade, Economic Growth, Ideology growth and Putting Man on the Moon after America, We had seen many amazing things enter our Homes, Mobile Phones, Computers and Cheap Cars were now beginning to stream into your very homes, Thanks to Vasily not spending 18% of our GDP on the Military, instead only giving a modest 9%. We should not gloss over the Programs and reforms to combat corruption and alcohol abuse once and for all, Allowing us to finally move pass the wicked Stereotype of us being drunkards and Corrupt. One would also look to our Society and notice the changes, A Free culture, True now because of our Transfer, We have begun a Return to our Dictator Culture, But I expect this to only be a passing mood, Who in Russia would want to see it's people suffer?

1977 until 1987 Were darker times, In 1979 When we intervened in Afghanistan, Of Economy began to sour, Vasily was Old and One could see that the Russian Union, In those years, Things were harsh, we had to buckle down as a nation and endure the hardships as one untied people, And we did, But Vasily did not, After the Passing of his Wife, His Pain was too much for the 88 year old, Leaving the reins of the Russian Union to Comrade Sablin, He saw fir to Pull out of Afghanistan and Latin America, Where money went in and The dead came out. He saw the unification of Germany as well, Was it not Bold to assume that The Cold war would End?

Yes, For the next decade, 87 to 97, Saw the neutral conclusion of the Cold war, A New economic growth for all of the world and Our Allies tasting better lives, True we were befallen to 3 great national Undertakings that tested us all, The First and foremost being the death of Vasily in 1993, After all, how could we survive without him? It was hard and I admit, I cried for weeks after his Passing, But we had to move on, He would not want us crying over a man who held nothing but his good name.

Then the Red Army was tested when Islamic Terrorist took over the Caucasus and tried to start a Jihad or Holy War against us, Why? For reasons still not concrete to even themselves, This was a formed of enemy we didn't know very well, They would blend in and attack in droves, But here The Red Army showed it's adaptability and crushed them by 2000, Saving the people who suffered under Islamic oppression.

And Finally we Saw American Imperialism spread it's wing against us, trying it's hardest to corner us, They wanted to surround and destroy us, Many know the Fate of Nations that attack Russia, Certain doom, They began a Program of destabilizing areas that were already a powder keg of violence, The Middle east, again and again we told them bluntly that is was foolish to try and take them down, But as stubborn as they are, they didn't listen.'' He stopped again to drink water, But the water was now frozen

''It seems that the weather has taken a turn for the worst, In that Case, I shall wrap things up, We have a parade to finish.

In the Past 20 years we have seen many trials, Iran, War on Terror and a renewed Cold war, But we took it with gallant effort and endured all of them and emerged stronger than ever, never shall Russia fall and stay down, she gets up after every fall.

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