2- Tuesday April 9th

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Tuesday April 9th


9:03 am

Penn Station

I pass Penn Station and do a double take. Mimi? My heart nearly stops when I see her getting ready to the train. Pulse racing I make a split-second decision. I buy a ticket and start to follow her.

I follow her as she gets off the train and transfers onto the Jamaica AirTrain. That's when I realized where she was going. The airport. I decide to follow her to her boarding area, to make note of the destination. Then I'll go and buy a ticket.


Toronto Pearson International Airport

Ok. What now? I was in Ontario. But I had no idea what to do now. “Think Mimi” I mutter. “Think.” Spying a bench I sit down and pull out my laptop. While it’s starting up I notice a small flyer on the bench next to me. Some bus service that goes all over Ontario. Noticing the coupon on the back of the brochure I decide that it's as good as anything. Looking at the possible destinations I try to find one that I’ve heard of. One sounds familiar. London. Ha, ha. Where do I know that from? I figure that since I've always wanted to go to London, England, and since I won't be doing that any time soon, I should at least get to go to London, Ontario. Fun. Now to get to the bus stop. At Yorkdale. Where ever that is. Opening Google maps, I get directions. The bus leaves in 10 minutes, so I decide to grab a mocha latte on the way.

I walk into Yorkdale and grin. I'm almost there. Now it's smooth sailing right to London. I check my watch. I have 3 hours and 15 minutes to kill. First I go to get a meal. The closest restaurant is one that I've never heard of. Tim Hortons. It's really busy so I figure that it must be good. I order a coffee, a chili and 5 of something they call a timbit. When I asked the guy at the counter what a timbit was he just gawked at me. Apparently everyone knows what a timbit is. I said that I didn't even know what Tim Hortons was. Everyone seemed horrified at that. The guy at the counter gave me my food soon after with the words “try it.” I have to admit the food was delicious. I when back for the to go timbit package of 10. Then I when to watch a movie. Clash of the Titans 2 is in theatres and sounds good.

Yes, the movie was awesome. Yes, it was scary. Yes, now I only need to kill one hour. I decide to get some clothes. Somehow I forgot to take some of those things. American Eagle, here I come.

I ended up buying five t-shirts, two long sleeves, two sweater, and three pairs of pants. I check my watch again. The bus leaves in 10 minutes. On the way to the bus stop I grab another box of timbits. I make it to the bus stop with exactly one minute to spare.

Once I was on the bus I pull out my Ipod, and my e-reader. I downloaded Maximum Ride just last week and I am loving it. This is going to be and enjoyable 2 hours. I wondered what was going on at home. Have they noticed that I was missing yet? Probably not for another hour. Popping a timbit into my mouth I begin to read.



Bus to London

I felt like a stalker. I had followed Mimi from NYC to Ontario, for no reason. Ok, my reason was that I thought she might get hurt, and I wanted to make it up to her, for what I said earlier. But besides that, I had no reason to be on this bus.

My phone rang in my pocket. I swore under my breath. I had completely forgotten about the GPS chip in it. Mom must have gotten the message from the school saying that I was absent then checked the portable tracking device that we both had. 30 seconds later the call went to voicemail. Suddenly I had a great idea. Making sure that the guy next to me was asleep, I gently put my phone into the outer pocket of his brifcase. Then I pulled out my own locater. The small red dot was right beside me, but won't be for long.


Hotel in London, Ontario

5:34 pm

I lay down on my bed , glad that I brought My mothers intrawest coupon. It got me a huge discount on a small room. That, plus my birthday money got me a pretty little room in downtown London. I'll start looking for a job tomorrow. My birthday money won't last forever. I sit up and start to unpack my stuff. Just as I bend down to get my bag I get that wierd feeling- like someones watching you. I got it on the bus to.

 After dinner (which was fantastic by the way) I decied to get ready for bed. Grabbing my toothbrush, I head to the bathroom. It wasn't untill I was just washing my toothbrush off that I noticed the bloody shower. Slowly, I opened the door (it was a walk-in shower) and looked inside.

I ran to the toilet and threw-up my dinner. It was a body. A body. In my shower. I started screaming. Management came running and called the police. When the got there they brought me to the station for questioning.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2011 ⏰

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