Chapter 7

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Hinata P.O.V
My eyes felt extremely dry as I opened them. It was dead silent, there was this warm feeling like I was positioned within someone's arms which were wrapped around me keeping me in place. I felt plastic rimming smoosh up against my face. I was tempted to fall back into the warmth of my enclosure closing my eyes until a loud snore brought me back to reality. Had we fallen asleep? What time was it, Father is going to kill me. I tried to myself to squirm outside of his arms by twisting my body around but then he would tighten his grip. I finally managed to mangle myself out of his grip I proceeded to tiptoe towards his bedroom and grabbed my damp stuff and walked back trying not to wake Naruto-kun. Opening my phone for the first time in what felt like ages I tried to readjust my eyes to clearly see the time on my phone. "2:26" I quietly screamed. I'm so done for if Father catches me out at this time of night. I thought that now that I was here I might as well try to to wake up Naruto. I think this is the most peaceful I've ever seen him. He is cute like this I could used to his baby face. There was a small wet spot forming on the couch from Naruto's drool.
"Naruto-kun" I whispered bending down to pick up the fallen popcorn

'Nata, come back" he whined in his sleep with drunken slurs.

"I have to go home now it's late Naruto-kun," I said combing through his golden locks of patting him on the head.

"I don't want you to go." he protested still half asleep. "Stay, I'm gonna get cold if you do "

"If I don't go now who knows what my father will do." I threw the blanket, using it to fully cover him. And began walking towards the front door.

"Wait, my game next weekend, you are  gonna come right." his arms reached out, but his eyes were still closed "Please."

"I'll try to, I promise Bye," I said rushing out the door and slamming it accidentally on my way out.

××× Wednesday:5:31 am×××
Naruto P.O.V
Ugh. I kicked my feet in the air making my blanket fly onto the floor. My back hurts I thought sitting up, "Hina".I waited for a reply before I clocked she had already gone. Oh, I remember she left in the middle of the night or something like that. I groggily decided to sit on the floor wrapping myself in my blanket and procrastinating for the time being. Why do I feel like she hates me? Does she? I hope not. I'm such an asshole I'm not gonna lie, like all the time.Ughhhhh.She brushed my hand away when Lee was at the door. Maybe she was embarrassed, but what do I know? She was so warm, I wish she was here so I could go back to sleep since perv doesn't want to pay for heating. I felt my stomach growl. Do I have ramen? Of course, I have ramen. What day is it, Tuesday not Wednesday I'm pretty sure, I should get Perv to get me some more on his way back from his "work trip".To "scout out the competition," he says as if he doesn't own a strip club.
Slurping up his cup of ramen Naruto sunk back into his very comfortable position on the couch, his head nestled onto the back cushions of the couch Closing his eyes he promised himself he wouldn't fall asleep again.

Hinata P.O.V

×××7:30am ×××

" Hanabi!" Hinata anxiously busts into her room, "where are my point shoes?"

"The new ones in the pink box."

"Well, I don't know." She said straightening her hair meticulously, with a faint sizzle in the background "Anyway where were you last night?" brushing her fingers through her hair.

"Home." I combed through my hair  "Why are you straightening your hair anyway it's already pin straight?"

Turning back to face her sister who appeared lost within her own train of thought. "You're a terrible liar, you know you're going to tell me eventually."      
I didn't know how exactly to answer this question would I be giving too much away I answered in full or maybe she wouldn't be able be able to keep my secret from my father. Although even I could admit there was not much to it still it felt overly invasive for her to know the ins and outs of my personal life. It was hard for me to wrap my head around what had happened with Naruto last night but it would be even more difficult trying to explain it to a kid who only saw the bad in him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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