Chapter Two: Tongues And Teeth

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Robbie was confused.

He didn't remember going to bed. He certainly didn't remember falling asleep. In fact, he didn't even know where he was. Even though he hadn't opened eyes yet he could still tell this was not his bed, and it certainly wasn't his recliner.

His limbs felt as though they were suspended in the air, and his head wasn't being held up by a pillow. The material holding him felt more like leather than any kind of fabric he had ever had on his bed. The last thing that confirmed to him that he was NOT in his own bed, or house for that matter, was that his bed was NEVER this warm.

Slowly his eyes fluttered opened to look downward. He quickly realized he was, in fact, not on the ground but far from it.
Suddenly, the memories of his unfortunate circumstances return and he gasps.

He felt a wave of warm air wash over him and shivered. He shakily rose his head up and turned it as far around as he could to look behind him. His eyes widened in horror as he saw an, ever so slightly open, mouth.

HIS mouth.


Robbie let out a terrified scream at the sight. The teeth, each as big as his own hands and giant tongue obscured but not entirely hidden by them, made him feel ill. He couldn't stop his mind from drifting into grim thoughts. It wouldn't take much pressure from that jaw for him to be nothing but blood and bones.

Was this what Sportacus had planned all along? To eat him? Why reasure him before? To prolonge his misery? Was this all just a trick so Sportacus could watch him suffer? It couldn't be right? Right? His body wracked with tremors, his breathing quickened, and tears returned to his eyes as he thought of all the gruesome events that could spawn from his current situation.

"Robbie? Oh my goodness, you're awake!" Sportacus said with obvious surprise, pulling the trembling villain away from his face and turning him around to talk to him easier. He noticed Robbie's horrified state. "Is everything alright, Robbie? You're shaking like a-"

Robbie cut Sportacus off before he could get another word out. "ALRIGHT?!?!?!"
He cried. "H-How, on earth, could I possibly be alright?!?!" He was breathing even quicker than before. " F-For a second I thought-" His heart was beating so fast he could barely think. "I-I thought that you- t-that you were going- g-going to-" Robbie tried to get the words out.

"Going to what?" Sportacus asked in a concerned tone.

Just then Sportacus's stomach let out a low growl, almost as if it had heard Robbie's thoughts and just wanted to scare the life of him for the fun of it.
Robbie froze, staring, wide eyed, at the larger hero's middle.

Sportacus, noticing this, followed Robbie line of sight. Upon realizing what the villain meant, he looked back at him, and their eyes met for moment. Sportacus opened his mouth to speak, but before he could they a word out, Robbie began thrashing around, kicking at his palm and scrambling to find any way to escape the hero's grasp.

"N-No! Don't-" Robbie shrieked as Sportacus locked him in a tight fist.

"Robbie! Please, just calm down! I'm not going to-" the elf attempted to say.

"S-Stay away from me!!!" Robbie cried.

"Robbie! It's alright! I wasn't trying to eat you! I was only trying to hold you for a second so I could climb up the ladder!" He explained quickly, motioning towards the object with his free hand.

Despite the elf's efforts, Robbie continued to squirm and cry out. Sportacus quickly realized that talking to the villain was not going to make a difference. He decided it best that he just continue with his plan so he could get up to his airship before someone heard Robbie.

A Little Help Goes A Long Way- A G/T SportaRobbie FicМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя