"Uh huh" I confirmed,

"What do you say?" Will prompted,

"Thank you Herrmann" I said and he smiled in appreciation,

"Anytime kiddo" he replied before going to take someone else's order.

One hour, and two Gracie specials, later I spotted Jay walk through the door,

"Jay" I exclaimed as I ran over to him and he picked me up and gave me a kiss on the cheek,

"April is gonna be a bride and she said that I'm gonna be a flower girl" I told him excitedly,

"Wow, that's great sweetheart" he smiled "aren't you tired?" He asked curiously and I shook my head,

"No" I told him and he nodded with a closed lipped sigh,

"Fantastic" he commented as he put me back on the floor and I pulled him over to the tale where I had been sat with Will, Natalie, Maggie, Sarah and Nina. "What're you drinking?" He asked as I emptied my glass,

"Herrmann made it for me" I said "It's a Gracie special" I added,

"It's just orange juice with soda water" Will assured and Jay gave an approving nod,

"I'm just gonna go say hi to April then we're gonna get going" Jay said before disappearing to find April.

He soon returned and I put my coat on before walking back over to Will,

"Bye" I hugged him and he leant down to kiss the top of my head,

"I'll see you in the morning kiddo" he replied before I took Jays hand and walked to the door. I stopped in my tracks.

"What's the matter?" Jay asked in confusion,

"Are we walking home?" I asked nervously,

"No, why?" He frowned,

"Can you carry me?" I asked as I held my arms up. He picked me up and carried me outside where I hid my face in the crook of his neck.

"What's going on kiddo?" He asked once we where both in the car,

"I don't want the monsters to get us" I told him worriedly.

"There's no monsters monsters kiddo" Jay said, repeating Wills earlier statement.

"You don't know that" I stated with a frown,

"Of course I do" Jay replied assuredly "and even if there where- which there aren't" he interjected "do you really think they'd mess with you?" He asked,

"They might" I shrugged,

"I promise you Gracie, no monsters are gonna hurt you" he said "ok?" He asked and I nodded half heartedly.

Once we arrived back home Jay insisted that I get changed and ready for bed. However I was only tucked up on bed for all of ten minutes before I was out of my room in search of my brother. 

"Jay Jay?" I asked tearfully as I stood in the living room,

"What're you doing out of bed? What's the matter?" He asked with a frown as he ushered me over to him and I clung to his neck.

"I heard a monster under my bed" I told him as he rubbed soothing circles on my back,

"Baby girl" he sighed "there are no monsters in your room" he assured,

"There IS Jay I heard it!" I insisted, slightly angry by the fact that my problem wasn't being taken seriously.

"Ok ok" he soothed "do you want me to go and check?" He asked. I gave a nervous nod and he took my hand in his and we walked back over to my bedroom.

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