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A/N: for a better experience, I suggest you to listen to Clara Klingenstrom's song "Liv" which the lyrics are quoted from.


The brown haired man nervously smiled at his brother standing next to him as he squeezed his left shoulders in a comforting touch.

"It's almost time, man"

Said man bit his bottom lip, anxiously scanning the garden beautifully decorated, searching for a sign of his soon to be spouse, his eyes fell onto his best friend form who was staring at him.
He looked into the brunette's face and saw both sadness and longing, and for a moment he felt tears prickling at the corners of his eyes, but then his friend smiled that special gentle smile that seemed to be only for him and waved at him.

[Same thing as you I feel That they can go away And I stay here Don't turn around]

Before he could even think of answering him back, the priest's voice announcing he beginning of the wedding broke their moment, and with a knot forming in his chest, he turned his attention away from his childhood friend and waited for his bride.

[And become like them In a stormy ocean It's hard to find answer]

As soon as the groom turned his attention away, the dark haired man's smile vanished instantly . An indescribable feeling washing over his body. Was it sadness ? Despair ? Or maybe relief ? He could not really tell. The only thing he knew was that if his best friend was happy, then everything would be alright.

[But I must
Get away from here]

For as long as he could remember Max had always been in love with Tul. How could he not. Tul was kind, reliable, funny, smart and with a figure that would put greek god to shame. All in all, Tul was the whole package and he was not the only one to think so if the number of girls floaking around him could attest. For years, the brunette had been hiding his feelings, fighting down his growing desire directed at his friend. And for a long time it worked, as much as Tul was popular among girls, he also had his fair share of admirers, and it was not difficult for him to vent his pent up frustration on willing men. However, a few years into it, and it could not satisfy him fully anymore, he could not bear the fact that the one person he had only ever wanted in his life was so near, yet so far. Plus, the fact that Tul never seemed to reciprocate the girls affectation had made his hopes growing. Maybe, just maybe Tul was bating for his team. Little did he know, a few months later, his hope would be crushed by a glowing Tul announcing he finally a took a step forward and was dating one of the prettiest girl in their university.

[I loved you so
And damn for all memories
that we can't get now]

The first few weeks, Max had hoped that the couple would broke up as any other one. However, even with all the guys throwing themselves at Lia's, Tul's girlfriend, feet, she seemed resolved to stay by his side. Tul was no better, declaring to whomever might listen that she was the girl of his dream and he could not have wished for a better girlfriend.

Max could only watch from afar and wish for his friend happinness while he was going from one night stand to another, his frustration reaching his climax when Tul finally discovered the truth about him.

[I will live just for you
I will sing for both of us
I will carry you
For the time you couldn't get]

It was an ordinary evening for Max, he had found himself a companion for the night in a nearby bar, thing were getting hot when his phone started vibrating his pocket. Ignoring the electronic device, he threw it out with his pants, not checking whom the caller might be and indulged in the willing body lying before him. It was the sound of a door opening and a loud gasp that made him stop and in a swift movement, he pushed this night's lover away.

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