♡pt 5 - horror movie♡

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They walked in to the house, junior and cody went upstairs to sit on the couch Jr told cody that he's gonna tell chef peepee if dinners ready he went downstairs and chef peepee said not yet junior went back upstairs

Cody: so is dinner ready?

Junior: no not yet btw wanna go in my room to play toys

Cody: yeah sure

They go to juniors room and play few minutes past and chef peepee called for junior and cody to come eat their food they go downstairs and they sat on there table to wait for chef peepee put the food on their plates.

Junior: so Cody what do you wanna do after this?

Cody: idk junior maybe a movie after this

Junior: ok but not big hero 6 it's so BAD!

Cody: ok fine

Junior: and which movie should we watch then not big hero 6 again just to let you know!

Cody: ok ok junior we won't watch big hero 6 let's watch a horror movie just to make the sleepover funner?

Junior: ok sure I wanna watch maybe Micheal Jackson?

Cody: yeah sure.

Junior: ok let's eat our food then

They eat their food and they went upstairs they sat on the couch

Junior: ok ready to watch a horror movie?

Cody: yeah but can you bring some sneaks and drinks to enjoy the movie?

Junior: fine brb don't change the movie and don't start it yet

Junior went to grab the sneaks and drinks cody thinks about cuddling Jr when he comes back and tell him so he waited and Jr came back from the kitchen to grab some sneaks and drinks, Jr sat on the couch and he pass a few snacks to cody they start the movie 40 minutes pass all of a sudden cody wrap around his arms on Jr's lil torso. Jr blushed and had to try to act normal.

Junior: e-ew cody wtf..

Cody then kissed Jr on the cheek. Jr kinda turned red

Junior: Cody! S-stop!..YOU WERIDO-.

Cody: hehe-. Ok fine

Junior "Shit junior what are you doing?? Why are your cheeks feel warm?!"

To be continue...

HI WASSUP GUYS btw sorry if my chapters are kinda short I'm trying my very best to make the chapters longer btw ty for 40 reads!!! I never really think I will get 40 reads on this story!! Btw I'm probably gonna be busy tomorrow so I'm gonna try my best to get the story finish to but I really hope you guys are enjoying the story! And yes have a another good day or night so yeah bye!! <3

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