28 - garfield 2.0

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Plus that smile of hers was so familiar it confused me, and I had no reason of following her into that hall anyway.

But she was taking way too long, and I don't know, call it a sixth sense, but something was wrong after she hadn't come out for twenty minutes.

I only saw her father manhandling her in the most aggressive way while she struggled to get free, and at that moment it seemed something broke inside of me.

I knew for a fact that I didn't like seeing her that way, and so I did what I do best.


She didn't seem to notice it was me at first, and I was surprised at how bad her brothers were at defending themselves, even though they looked the part.

A load of bullshit, I tell you.

I didn't kill them because I didn't know how Mia would feel about her brothers dying, so I just shot them in the legs.

Her father ran away before I could get a hit on him, and I nearly laughed watching him run away like a silly little coward.

What a pussy.

The worst part of the evening, by far, was seeing Mia cry.

A first I didn't know what to do with her just sitting there against the wall with that bruised arm of hers, but when she realised it was me, I did the only thing anyone would do in a situation like that.

I never knew hugging someone would make you feel so much, but I found myself liking the way she was comforted by me.

No one had been comforted by me before, and a flashing thought ran across my mind, shocking me.

I wanted to be the only one who comforted her.

I don't know where that thought came from, but thinking back on it now and watching the rise and fall of Mia's chest as she sleeps, I know it was something I had never wanted to believe.

Until now.

I've been awake for an hour, just watching her sleep, and I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed with her so peacefully lying there.

I convinced myself it was because I need to wait for her to wake up so I can find out what her father said to her.

I've been doing a bad job of convincing myself of what's not true, lately.

I reach a finger out a twirl a piece of her dark hair between my fingers, feeling the soft strands against my skin.

She seems to be in a deep sleep, and considering it's only six in the morning, I'll give it a few hours before she wakes up.

Her eyebrows are slightly furrowed, but the rest of her face is relaxed.

I can't stop thinking about that smile yesterday, and how I felt like I'd seen it before.

I'd like to think I haven't but it feels like it's engrained in me.

She stirs, and turns to face me, her eyelids fluttering once before they open.

I'm met with sleepy, ocean blue eyes that stare back at me, and her lips tilt up at the edges.

"Good morning." She mumbles, and her voice is still laced with tiredness as she speaks.

I only hum in response, and my fingers twitch around the strands of her hair, bringing her gaze onto them.

Her lips are parted slightly as she stares, and I'm reminded of how they feel on mine, soft and sweet like cherries.

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