Chapter 14 - I'm Sorry Darling

Start from the beginning

Y/N's head snaps up and glares at Hermione "are you serious right now? What kind of backhanded apology is this"

"Just let me finish Y/N before you decide to be even angrier at me" Hermione states and walks towards her girlfriend "you exhaust me in the best way possible"

"You're going to have to elaborate 'mione" Y/N says and the Gryffindor smiles at the fact her girlfriend called her by her cute little nickname.

"Well it's when we-" Hermione blushes "you know-"

Y/N's eyes go wide as she realises what Hermione is referring to. Her initial shock then turns into a small smile. Hermione smiles too at the fact that her girlfriend isn't acting so hostile towards her. The Gryffindor girl then gently takes Y/N's guitar out of her hands and places it beside her. Hermione then gently moves close to Y/N placing her hands at the nape of her neck and the Ravenclaw lets her.

"So you're only with me because the sex is good" Y/N jokes and Hermione grins

"It's an added bonus darling" Hermione replies and Y/N smiles exhaling deeply.

"You're making it very difficult to stay mad at you," the Ravenclaw says

Hermione leans in closer and the Gryffindor girl notices Y/N glance down at her lips "does that mean I'm forgiven"

"Kiss me and find out," Y/N says and Hermione gently connects their lips together in a deep kiss. The Ravenclaw gently pulls her girlfriend closer as they kiss, the two girls both softly moaning against each others lips and relish in the moment of feeling each other so close. Even though it's only been a day, both girls struggled to stay away from one another. Y/N gently pulls away and stares into Hermione's honey-brown eyes. "Flirting with me won't always work you know"

Hermione smiles sweetly "I know, but it worked this time right"

Y/N nods "I can't stay mad at you for long anyways"

"Neither can I" Hermione says "I don't like it when we fight"

"And I don't either" Y/N replies and holds the Gryffindor's hands in hers "but were fine now alright"

"Okay," Hermione replies with a sweet smile "I'm sorry that I didn't seem very supportive  when you did well in potions. I am proud of you"

Y/N chuckles "thank you"

The two girls stay on the couch and fall into a comfortable silence for a while with Y/N resting her eyes and slowly drifting off to sleep, resting her head on her girlfriend's lap whilst Hermione gently runs her fingers through her girlfriend's hair. The Ravenclaw will never admit it, but she loves it when Hermione does that.

"I'm curious about something," Hermione says out of the blue

"Hmm," Y/N says still resting but Hermione knows she's listening

"When I answered one of Slughorn's questions yesterday, he looked at you and you nodded." The Gryffindor says and Y/N slowly starts to open her eyes and looks into her girlfriend's curious eyes "What was that about?"

"You saw that huh" Y/N answers and Hermione nods "Well when Harry, Dumbledore and I visited Slughorn, the Professor made a comment towards muggle-borns. I thought he was going to say something hateful, so I just made the comment that my girlfriend is muggle-born and the best in our year. He said that he didn't mean to sound prejudiced so he must've remembered the comment and thought it was you, so I nodded"

"Oh," Hermione says a little surprised

Y/N then notices Hermione's shy behaviour and looks up at her curiously "was what I said okay"

"Yeah I just wasn't expecting that" Hermione answers honestly "I didn't really expect you to talk about me to anyone other than our friends"

"Of course I talk about you 'mione." The Ravenclaw says and sits up. Hermione looks down at her hands and Y/N decides to place hers on top "Hey where is this insecure side coming from"

"I don't know" Hermione responds "After our fight yesterday, I just got scared about a few things."

"Hey" Y/N says softly "you can talk to me about things like this. Please just tell me what's wrong"

The Gryffindor sighs "I'm scared- well, we've been dating for almost three years and I'm just scared that soon you'll get bored of me- of us and eventually leave me for someone better."

"Hermione I wouldn't-" Y/N adds but Hermione doesn't listen

"At the Hufflepuff party, you were talking with the Slytherin girl from the band and I- I couldn't help but feel a little jealous." the Gryffindor rambles "then I looked around the room and there were so many eyes on you and I couldn't help but feel like I wasn't good enough. That I wasn't pretty and that you could be with anyone else."

"Hermione" Y/N says with more urgency than before and caresses her cheek. Hermione stops her rambling and looks into her girlfriend's caring eyes "I am not bored of you. I could never be bored of you. Do you want to know why"

Hermione rolls her eyes "why"

"Because the past three years have been the most exciting, challenging and rewarding years of my life. You could never bore me even if you tried. You challenge me to be better and you're not afraid to speak your mind, it's one of the many things I love about you. And as for rewarding, well I can list many ways"

Hermione blushes knowing she's referring to their sexual encounters. "Y/N" the Gryffindor's says shyly and the Ravenclaw chuckles

"What I'm serious." Y/N replies "You also mentioned our sex life almost ten minutes ago and how great it is"

"You're not wrong" Hermione says her face still a light shade of pink and Y/N smiles

"But even so, you are the only person thats sees me for truly who I am. You've seen the good, the bad and the ugly side of me and you still stay by my side. And for that, I'm most grateful for." Y/N says kissing Hermione's cheek who smiles back. "Now as for you feeling insecure about our relationship, I'm sorry I ever made you feel that way"

"Y/N its not your fault-" Hermione states

"It may not be directly, but nonetheless I am sorry." Y/N starts "I can reassure you Hermione that I'm in this for the long run. I love you, Hermione Jean Granger. When you're feeling on top of the world or whether you're feeling at your absolute lowest. Don't ever doubt that for a second. And if you ever do feel doubts, tell me right away and I'll repeat everything I have just said to you. I don't mind repeating it for the rest of my life if it makes you feel better"

Hermione's eyes start to water from Y/N's. it will always amaze the Gryffindor girl how her girlfriend is able to take all her worries and insecurities away. "You really mean it" the Gryffindor asks

"Every word" Y/N says and Hermione nods and kisses the Ravenclaw tenderly on the lips. Y/N smiles and Hermione brakes away first.

"Thank you" the Gryffindor says

"Always" Y/N replies and smiles "now, as for me talking to the Slytherin girl in my band who is called Maze by the way and everyone else that makes you jealous, I only have eyes for you"

Hermione chuckles and nudges her girlfriends arm playfully "god your such a sap"

"Hey you happen to love this sap" Y/N says with  playful pout on her whilst Hermione laughs "and apparently, so do many other girls in Hogwarts"

"Okay now your just being mean" Hermione playfully scolds and now Y/N starts to chuckle "they only like you because you are hot when you play the guitar"

"Am I now" Y/N replies smugly and Hermione rolls her eyes "well luckily for you is that you can hear me play anytime you like. The rest of Hogwarts has to wait"

"And as they should" Hermione grins and makes herself comfortable on Y/N's lap "you're mine like it or not"

"Now thats more like the girl I know" Y/N replies matching Hermione's grin "I love you Hermione, never doubt that"

"I love you too Y/N now and forever" the Gryffindor replies and the two girls tenderly kiss and embrace one another, loving the feeling of having another close once more.

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