I turned my phone upside down and gave the attention back to my laptop, trying to get my thoughts back as my fingers paused on the keys.

Once again, where was I? Oh, right. The important stuff.

Pressing my lips together in focus, I picked up the typing where I left it off.

"Ah, here we go—his hard, throbbing member pulsed inside her—so big and girthy..." I murmured aloud as I typed. "'Bodyguard,' The secret princess moaned as he pounded her deep into the mattress. 'This is soooo forbidden, and stuff-"


"No." I grumbled at the interruption, switching my phone to vibrate. "Her bodyguard squeezed her plump ass passionately, growling heated sin past her lips-"


"Shh, I'm not done. Her—hm—lady garden? Third eye? Honey pot?-"


"Really blue balling the moment here-"

Vibrate. Vibrate. Vibrate-

Slumping my head between my shoulders, I sighed and decided to give up writing my beloved, smutty fanfictions for now, mentally preparing myself for the worst thing a person ever has to do in this life...


Picking up my phone, I saw one of the messages was a reminder I set for myself last night:

(U better not be writing smut rn u stupid hoe)
Download presentation onto flash drive.

"Ohhh, I almost forgot." I gasped, hopping out of my computer chair to grab the drive.

My possible promotion depends on the contents of that presentation. Honestly, my entire life does too, but god, I don't even care anymore.

No, I'm lying. I care a lot about being able to pay my rent and survive. I promise. No, it's not sarcasm. I mean it. I really do.....

I stuck the flash drive into the port of my laptop with a content sigh, hovering down in front of my fishbowl while I waited for the presentation to transfer.

The familiar, little red goldfish twirling around in the bowl made me smile, gently pressing my finger to the glass as if to pet him.

"This promotion is gonna be mine, Ziggy." I murmured to the creature as if he cared. "When I get home today, you are gonna be one rich fish."

In response, a little squirt of stringy brown came from his behind, causing me to press my lips together with a nod. "Glad we're on the same page, little guy."

A chime from my laptop alerted me that the presentation was officially on the hard drive, causing me to pull the little device from the port and grab my bag.

Today is where everything changes.


The humid air of the cramped subway would usually have me dissociating and contemplating my entire existence. Again. After a few years of taking it to work everyday, I never did get used to the smell—or, the dried vomit permanently stained onto that window seat.

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