Gringotts - chapter 2

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Sirius took Harrison to Londons magical district by way of the 'Leaky Cauldron' so they could go to Gringotts. While walking to Gringotts down 'Diagon Alley' Harrison is looking at everything in total awe. All the different stores with cauldrons, brooms, beautiful quills the list goes on and then they stop in front of Gringotts. Harrison sees the unique creatures standing by the door and asks, "Sirius what are they". Sirius says, "Goblins Harrison. Goblins are nasty tempered lot but if your straight forward, polite, and show your manners you'll be fine, just no touching. Also don't forget to bow." Harrison just looks at Sirius saying, "You should be polite with your manners to everyone you meet. I do, doesn't everyone here?" So Harrison bows to the gaurds at the door, this of course surprises them and one of the goblins inside seeing this immediately reports said action to the king. Now it's not often the king of the goblins comes to the teller portion of the bank, unless needed of course.

King Radnok is shocked when a goblin teller by the name of Rockspear knocks on the door to  report what he just saw. Rockspear states, "Your Highness, I just saw a small child bow to the guards at the doors, stating he always uses his manners and asking if everyone does. I've never seen him before but he is with Lord Black." Surprised at this King Radnock heads to the teller section to see the child and what he sees is astounding. Harrison is patiently waiting for the teller to finish what he was doing, unlike soo many before him. The teller finished counting and looks over the podium asks what he needs. Harrison beings with his normal polite self introduction and states that he needs blood tests along with his manager, if available.

Sirius states, "Harrison has been living with muggles and we would like a inheritance test also tests for any injuries, potions, spells or anything else that maybe on his person prior to being placed there by Dumbledore." Of course King Radnock hears all this and is furious that any child is placed with muggles but also for someone so young to be tested for potions and the lot. The king sends Rockspear to collect Lord Black and said the youngling and to bring them to his office. This causes a stir inside the bank cause nobody is asked back by the king.

King Radnock waits for Lord Black and the child. While waiting he prepares the tests for health check, potions, spells, compulsions and inheritance. Once Lord Black and said child arrive to his office, Lord Black asks after bowing, "King Radnock how are you today? May I ask why we were brought here, please?" King Radnock states, "Of course, I heard of this young man's behavior and I'm impressed and decided to see for myself. I believe we should do the tests for everything though and while we wait discuss what those muggles have done." Sirius nods. King Radnok says, "Alright you will need to cut your finger and let thirteen drops of blood into the bowl with the potion in it. We will do it this way so you don't have to cut yourself continuously. The quill will take potion/blood mixture from the bowl and start writing for everything."

Inheritance test:

Harrison (Harry/Hades) James Potter
Birth: July 31, 1980 11:59pm
James Fleamont Potter (deceased)
Lily Rose Potter nee Evans (deceased)
Lady Magic
Godfather: Sirius Black and Severus Snape
Godmother: Alice Longbottom (unavailable-hospital) and Minerva McGonagall
Godbrother: Neville Longbottom

Magical Gaurdian: Sirius Black (Legal) - Albus Dumbledore (Illegal)

Potter (Paternal)
Black (Godfather/father blood adopted at six months old)
Peverell (Paternal)
Gryffindor (Paternal)
Slytherin (by conquest)
Gaunt (by conquest)
Evans (Maternal)
Ravenclaw (Maternal)
Hufflepuff (By Magic)
Emrys (By Magic)
Pendragon (By Magic)
Hogwarts (By Magic)
Death (By Magic)

Lordship: (At eleven)

(At thirteen)
Black (After current Lords death)

King Radnock says, "Well I wasn't expecting this, were you?" Handing the test to Lord Black. All Sirius could say was, "Wow".

King Radnock states, "We best finish these tests cause we have our work cut out for us today."

Harrison asked, "What's next?"

King Radnock states, "Lets read the parchment to see if there are any injuries, potions, spells or compulsions placed on you, shall we."


Age 1: None
Age 15 months: Horcrux
Age 2: Horcrux
Age 3: Broken fingers (2), Fractured ribs (3), Eyes (repairable), Bruises (multiple), Malnourished, Horcrux
Age 4: Broken rib (1), Fractured leg, Burns hands, Whip marks on back, Bruises (multiple), Eyes (repairable), Malnourished, Horcrux
Age 5: Broken arm (left), Burns hands and left arm, Bruises (multiple), Eyes (repairable) Malnourished, Horcrux


Core: Grey - Larger than Merlin (90% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Parseltongue: (100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore - unblocked 10%)
Parselmagic: (100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Elementalist (All elements) (100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Necromancer (100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Shadow travel (100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
All mail redirect to Albus Dumbledore by Albus Dumbledore


Rash, impulsive and recklessness compulsion by Albus Dumbledore


Loyalty potion: Keyed to Albus Dumbledore, Molly Weasley, Ron Weasley Ginevra Weasley (By Albus Dumbledore and Molly Weasley)

Love potion: Keyed to Ginevra Weasley (Active at age 14) (By Albus Dumbledore and Molly Weasley)

Hate potion: Keyed to Severus Snape, Slytherin, Dark side and Tom Riddle (By Albus Dumbledore and Molly Weasley)

Marriage Contact: (Illegal) Harry James Potter and Ginevra Weasley. Written by Albus Dumbledore (Illegal Magical Gaurdian) and Molly Weasley to be in effect at Harrison eighteenth birthday.

King Radnock says, "Mr. Potter let's get all of this removed but the Horcrux will have to wait due to the needed individuals are gone for a couple days. This will also let your core settle before trying to remove the Horcrux with less chance of injury. While you are getting everything removed I will cancel the marriage contract due to being Illegal as not written by Potter blood. I'll also be checking for account activity even though there should be none, especially with Dumbledore making himself your Magical Gaurdian Illegally."

Harrison says, "Well that sounds great but call me Hades since we are going to be working together for awhile. I'd also like to be your friend if you want?"

King Radnock is surprised because nobody has ever aloud a goblin to call them so informally, let alone a nickname, "I would like that Hades but only if you call me Radnock. I would also like you to be a goblin friend, if you wish."

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