The beginning - chapter 1

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I don't own the Harry Potter. Harry Potter is owned by J.K.Rowlings. I don't own any of the photos. I found them all on Pinterest/Internet.

We all know the story of Harry Potter but what if things didn't go as planned. What if Dumbledore didn't get his manipulated, gullible, blind to everything including the truth pawn (aka Harry Potter). What if Harrison (Harry/Hades) James Potter remembered everything that happened since his birth. What if he remembered Dumbledore there in the shadows when Voldomort came to their home to kill Harrison only for good old Voldomort to decide not to kill Harrison but was forced to by no other than Dumbledore. Now Sirius did start to chase Peter after checking on Harrison and handing Harrison to Hagrid but then remembered something Lily said about his Godson, 'if you don't take care of my son I will haunt you till death and after'. Sirius clearly remembered Lily's temper and decided to go get his Godson back from Dumbledore.

What would you say to the forward thinking of Lily Potter by placing enchanted necklace on Harrison (invisible of course and unable to be removed except by Lily or Harrison) to stop most compulsions, oblivates and spells that anyone would try to place on Harrison. Dumbledore did try to place some on Harrison which failed but it didn't block them all. It wouldn't because this would ruin all Dumbledore's plans of a gullible pawn who was totally unaware of the Wizarding World. Also nobody but James, Lily, Sirius and Remus know James and Lily named their son Harrison but to the Wizarding World his name is Harry.

Now we all know Harrison gets put with the Dursleys but what if he doesn't stay there till eleven like Dumbledore wants. Harrison remembered Diagon Alley but not how to get there. He has only been there once.

This is where we begin our story with a five year old Harrison at the local park about to meet his Godfather Sirius Black. After years of searching Sirius finally finds his Godson sitting on a swing in a local park while Sirius is in his animagus form a black Grimm (big black dog).

Sirius POV:

Sirius is so excited he finally found Harrison after four long years of searching. He knows he can't just approach him while being in his animagus form, so he whines while laying on his stomach to see if Harrison will come to him. (Low whine, again whines). As Sirius hoped Harrison came to check out the whining. Cautiously Harrison walked to where he heard the whining to find a large black dog just laying there waiting. Sirius clearly is excited by his tail wagging like crazy this of course makes Harrison giggle.

Harrison POV:

After hearing whining Harrison goes to check it out. I mean he is five and what five year old isn't curious. As he approaches where the whining came from he sees a large black dog just laying there tail wagging like crazy, upon seeing this he giggles. Sirius (Padfoot) rolls on he back with his tongue hanging out. Harrison giggles some more think this dog is silly but decides to slowly go to the dog to rub its belly making Padfoots back leg go crazy. Soon Padfoot/Sirius rolls back over and gently tugs Harrisons shirt to get him to follow. Harrison doesn't know what to do because if he doesn't go back to the Dursleys soon he knows he is going to get a beating. Harrison decides to follow the black dog. What he sees amazes him but he doesn't say anything yet.

Harrison remembered a talk he had with a small garden snake just few days ago about witches and wizards. The garden snake said 'Harrison is a wizard and something called a speaker', whatever that is. The snake told him he needs to leave the Dursleys and go to someplace called Diagon Alley but he has no clue how to get there. The black dog is gently pulling him to the trees stopping when they're out of site of houses and people, but when they stop the black dog starts moving funny and changes into a man. Now Harrison just stares at the man in awe, curiosity, shock and just sits down unable to speak.

Sirius is worried because Harrison isn't saying anything, just sits down looking in awe. Sirius just sits down where he stood to not scare Harrison more than he probably is already. Harrison sits there for about 2-3 minutes before he says "are you a wizard?". Sirius says without blinking "yes". Harrison just stares as if waiting for the answer to change then says "who are you?" Sirius just without missing a beat states clearly but calmly "your Godfather Padfoot and I have been trying to find you for the last four years.".

Now you may be thinking Harrison would get up and run however, not only did he not run he said "what took you so long ?". Sirius of course just laughs, "I'm sorry for not being here when you needed me the most. I hope you will let me make it up to you and maybe you would live with me if that is something you want to do. Let's go to Gringotts and get you checked for everything (blocks, potions, spells, compulsions etc). Dumbledore probably did something before bringing you to your Aunt Petunia's house."

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